- Is this site free?
- Yep. Donations are welcome, but don't feel like it's a
- What if I wish to have my league added?
- Drop an email with the
league number (the league ID) and a list showing the start and stop
of the seasons you wish to have added. If you're not the admin of
the league, please have the admin send the request (we don't want
to upset the admin, do we?).
The list should look
something like what is shown below -- being in order with the most
recent season on top. It's not important to have the exact dates of
the season started, but rather think of this as between what dates
matches should be grouped into the given season. Remember the
current season as well! A typical list will look something like
this (note that dates before 2011-01-01 can be skipped, that's
where the data gets thin):
S03 2011-05-25 2011-07-17
S02 2011-03-14 2011-05-01
S01 2011-02-01 2011-03-01
- There some data that's missing (or wrong)!
- Sounds likely! Drop a message and let's see what can be done to
fix it. Bug reports are very welcome!
- Hey, could you implement...
- Maybe. Although,
reimplementing VIP
features isn't going to happen. Besides, support the game and help
yourself by getting VIP, if this site is appealing to you VIP is
well worth it.
- How often is the site updated with new data?
- Usually, once a week. Until things get settled a bit more it's
hard to say. That being said, no guarantees are offered. If your
league seems to be trailing, let yourself be heard.
- Pretty graphs, how are they made?
- Generated javascript using
the Highcharts library.
- The tables are sortable?
- The team tables use
the sorttable
Javascript library to enable client-side sorting as you click on a column
header. The default sorting order is given by the position column and
this default order is based on skill and then special qualities.
- Can I contribute?
- Probably! Suggestions, design assistance, graphics, verification
of data... There's loads to do. Drop an email if you're
- How much time has this stuff taken to do?
- Over the last year and a half stuff was made for a private league
with friends, since then there has been quite a lot of additions and
generalisation of the code. All told it's probably close to a thousand
hours or so at this point.
- Why all the static pages?
- Because it's the path of least resistance for now, it may well
change once every query becomes fast enough. Certain pages still do
take a little long to generate dynamically.