

Gosport Galacticos

Kerrydale Street Champions League @ 2011-02-09 20:00:00
1 (4-5-1) - (4-4-2) 0
Pos Name Skill Performance
K Arther Boruc 11 +1.80 (16.36%)
D Andreas Brehme 12 +0.80 (6.67%)
D Claudio Gentile 11 +2.00 (18.18%)
D Skills Paying Bills 8 +0.90 (11.25%)
D Lourenço Saraiva 7 +1.30 (18.57%)
M Kris Commons 11 +0.30 (2.73%)
M Joe Ledley 11 -3.00 (-27.27%)
M Johnny Bag 9 +0.90 (10.00%)
M Jesus H Christ 9 +0.40 (4.44%)
M Soup Nbread 8 +0.60 (7.50%)
S Diego Maradona 11 -1.10 (-10.00%)
R Marcel Eremia 6 +0.60 (10.00%)
9.50+5.50 (4.82%)

Possession / Performance

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Performance Skill Name Pos
-0.20 (-2.22%) 9 Mickey Long K
0.00 (0.00%) 9 Craig Exton D
+0.20 (2.50%) 8 Michael Blackwood D
+1.90 (31.67%) 6 Derek Henley D
+0.50 (5.56%) 9 Paul Chase M
0.00 (0.00%) 9 Théophile Leguay M
-0.50 (-6.25%) 8 Henrik Larsson M
-0.60 (-12.00%) 5 Bob Hibbitt M
-0.80 (-10.00%) 8 Stewart Vowden S
-3.30 (-36.67%) 9 Perry Shipton R
-2.80 (-3.50%)8.00

Goals / chances produced by player

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Goals / chances produced by type

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Assists / Assisted chances produced by player

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Goals / chances produced by time

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Goals / chances produced by player

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Goals / chances produced by type

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Assists / Assisted chances produced by player

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Goals / chances produced by time

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