Kerrydale Street Champions League :: S20

  1. Atletico Celtico (x11)
  2. Belhaven Strollers (x11)
  3. Believebeezee (x11)
  4. Boca Seniors (x11)
  5. Bonnybridge (x11)
  6. Celtic 67 (x11)
  7. Celtic Swedes (x11)
  8. Celtic Tigers (x11)
  9. Crossers (x11)
  10. Cuillin Lava (x11)
  11. Dixies Diamonds (x11)
  12. Dunoon Hoops (x11)
  13. Goofballs United (x11)
  14. Gosport Galacticos (x11)
  15. Hayes Heroes (x11)
  16. Hunskelpers FC (x11)
  17. Killie Schemers (x11)
  18. Leoes de Lisboa (x11)
  19. Lonesome Boatmen (x11)
  20. Only One Naka (x11)
  21. P.W.F.C. (x11)
  22. Parklea Rats (x11)
  23. Payos Rangers (x11)
  24. Real Pitfairn (x11)
  25. Red Star Craigie (x11)
  26. Riumlad FC (x11)
  27. Shakhtar Senseless FC (x11)
  28. The Bold Bhoys (x11)
  29. Tottenham Hale (x11)
  30. Veng-lost FC (x11)
  31. Vintage Vespa (x11)
  32. Wynndale Roça Santos (x11)

League chances / goals (including own goals)

League chances / goals (including own goals)MissedScoredAtletico CelticoBelhaven StrollersBelievebeezeeBoca SeniorsBonnybridgeCeltic 67Celtic SwedesCeltic TigersCrossersCuillin LavaDixies DiamondsDunoon HoopsGoofballs UnitedGosport GalacticosHayes HeroesHunskelpers FCKillie SchemersLeoes de LisboaLonesome BoatmenOnly One NakaP.W.F.C.Parklea RatsPayos RangersReal PitfairnRed Star CraigieRiumlad FCShakhtar Senseless FCThe Bold BhoysTottenham HaleVeng-lost FCVintage VespaWynndale Roça Santos0102030405060708090100110120130140150160170180 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)

League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)StoppedConcededAtletico CelticoBelhaven StrollersBelievebeezeeBoca SeniorsBonnybridgeCeltic 67Celtic SwedesCeltic TigersCrossersCuillin LavaDixies DiamondsDunoon HoopsGoofballs UnitedGosport GalacticosHayes HeroesHunskelpers FCKillie SchemersLeoes de LisboaLonesome BoatmenOnly One NakaP.W.F.C.Parklea RatsPayos RangersReal PitfairnRed Star CraigieRiumlad FCShakhtar Senseless FCThe Bold BhoysTottenham HaleVeng-lost FCVintage VespaWynndale Roça Santos0102030405060708090100110120130140150160170180 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goal and chance difference (league only)

Goal and chance difference (league only)MissedScoredAtletico CelticoBelhaven StrollersBelievebeezeeBoca SeniorsBonnybridgeCeltic 67Celtic SwedesCeltic TigersCrossersCuillin LavaDixies DiamondsDunoon HoopsGoofballs UnitedGosport GalacticosHayes HeroesHunskelpers FCKillie SchemersLeoes de LisboaLonesome BoatmenOnly One NakaP.W.F.C.Parklea RatsPayos RangersReal PitfairnRed Star CraigieRiumlad FCShakhtar Senseless FCThe Bold BhoysTottenham HaleVeng-lost FCVintage VespaWynndale Roça Santos-160-140-120-100-80-60-40-20020406080100120140160 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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