Carenage United 3


South Cardiff Gunners

Match Of The Day @ 2012-07-28 20:30:00
0 (4-4-2) - (3-5-2) 3
Pos Name Skill Performance
K Al-Cordiff Downes 8 -1.00 (-12.50%)
D Dwayne James 11 +3.00 (27.27%)
D David Alleyne 11 +1.00 (9.09%)
D Al Vaughn Downes 6 +1.00 (16.67%)
D Oliver McDougal 6 +1.00 (16.67%)
M Keston Williams 12 -2.00 (-16.67%)
M Tokes Neverson 6 -1.00 (-16.67%)
M Devon Gomez 4 0.00 (0.00%)
M Trent Noel 4 0.00 (0.00%)
S Johan Peltier 8 -1.00 (-12.50%)
S Sherwyn Gomez 5 -1.00 (-20.00%)
R Atiba Downes 5 -1.00 (-20.00%)
R Jeremiah Headley 5 -3.00 (-60.00%)
7.00-4.00 (-4.40%)

Possession / Performance

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Performance Skill Name Pos
0.00 (0.00%) 5 Lu Luger K
+2.00 (15.38%) 13 Matt Mauser D
+2.00 (20.00%) 10 Kenny Krupp D
+1.00 (16.67%) 6 Willy Winchester D
+3.00 (23.08%) 13 Chis Colt M
+5.00 (50.00%) 10 Sam Smith-Wesson M
+2.00 (20.00%) 10 Ryan Remington M
0.00 (0.00%) 8 Fats Flintlock M
0.00 (0.00%) 3 Chuck Downes M
0.00 (0.00%) 10 Steve Springfield S
+1.00 (14.29%) 7 Glenn Glock S
+1.00 (16.67%) 6 Dick Special R
-1.00 (-20.00%) 5 Mickey Magnum R
0.00 (0.00%) 4 Ahmed Duzan R
+16.00 (14.55%)7.86

Goals / chances produced by player

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Goals / chances produced by type

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Assists / Assisted chances produced by player

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Goals / chances produced by time

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Goals / chances produced by player

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Goals / chances produced by type

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Assists / Assisted chances produced by player

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Goals / chances produced by time

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