Swedish Football Mafia


Southside Hearts

Match Of The Day @ 2012-08-18 20:30:00
0 (4-5-1) - (4-5-1) 2
Pos Name Skill Performance
K David Seaman 10 +1.00 (10.00%)
D Hank McSporran 15 -3.00 (-20.00%)
D Laurent Koscielny 10 0.00 (0.00%)
D Stelios Kiourkos 9 -2.00 (-22.22%)
D Robin Metternich 8 -1.00 (-12.50%)
M Lambert Rodger 12 0.00 (0.00%)
M Jack Wilshere 11 -1.00 (-9.09%)
M Emanuel Frimpong 11 -2.00 (-18.18%)
M Liam af Ugglas 9 -1.00 (-11.11%)
M Fabrizio Consagra 6 0.00 (0.00%)
S Jay Simpson 9 +1.00 (11.11%)
R Patrick Asher 5 0.00 (0.00%)
R Yaqob Egbedi 5 0.00 (0.00%)
9.23-8.00 (-6.67%)

Possession / Performance

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Performance Skill Name Pos
+2.00 (18.18%) 11 Kim Young-Kwang K
+4.00 (33.33%) 12 Ahmed Fáti D
+2.00 (16.67%) 12 Colbert Bowie D
+1.00 (14.29%) 7 Michael Laudrup D
+2.00 (33.33%) 6 Aiden Whiteside D
+4.00 (33.33%) 12 Seo Jung-Jin M
+3.00 (25.00%) 12 Mohammed Zídán M
+2.00 (20.00%) 10 Lee Yong-Rae M
+1.00 (11.11%) 9 Sebastian Larsson M
+2.00 (28.57%) 7 Vladimir Obukhov M
+2.00 (16.67%) 12 Asamoah Gyan S
+1.00 (11.11%) 9 Hans Adu Sarpei R
0.00 (0.00%) 4 Leonhard Hempel R
0.00 (0.00%) 4 Nobuyuki Ito R
+26.00 (20.47%)9.07

Goals / chances produced by player

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Goals / chances produced by type

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Assists / Assisted chances produced by player

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Goals / chances produced by time

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Goals / chances produced by player

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Goals / chances produced by type

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Assists / Assisted chances produced by player

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Goals / chances produced by time

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