SV Werder Bremen


Ancient F.C.

Match Of The Day @ 2012-03-03 20:30:00
0 (5-4-1) - (3-5-2) 0
Pos Name Skill Performance
K Peter Bonetti 9 +1.00 (11.11%)
D Jonathan Terry 11 +3.00 (27.27%)
D Frank Le Bouf 10 +4.00 (40.00%)
D Greaham Le Saux 9 +2.00 (22.22%)
D Desmond Krippner 5 +1.00 (20.00%)
D Francois Affolter 5 +1.00 (20.00%)
M Nigel Spackman 9 +3.00 (33.33%)
M Ruud Gullit 9 -2.00 (-22.22%)
M Mihalache Pitesteanu 6 +1.00 (16.67%)
M De Tso 5 +3.00 (60.00%)
S Peter Osgood 10 +1.00 (10.00%)
R Naldo Ronaldo Rodrigues 5 +1.00 (20.00%)
7.75+19.00 (20.43%)

Possession / Performance

Possession / PerformanceSV Werder BremenAncient F.C.1st Half2nd HalfOverallAgeStrengthSkillChances0100255075 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Performance Skill Name Pos
0.00 (0.00%) 8 Sechnall Sligo K
+4.00 (36.36%) 11 Jarred Bemrose D
+2.00 (20.00%) 10 Shane Northfield D
+4.00 (50.00%) 8 Scott Templer D
+2.00 (20.00%) 10 Lennox Milbourne M
+2.00 (20.00%) 10 Renzo D´Aversa M
+1.00 (11.11%) 9 Aram Haddad M
+2.00 (25.00%) 8 Bernhard Schierenberg M
+1.00 (16.67%) 6 William Skinner M
-3.00 (-30.00%) 10 Alf Woolery S
-2.00 (-25.00%) 8 Olegário Cotello S
+13.00 (13.27%)8.91

Goals / chances produced by player

Goals / chances produced by playerInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesDe Tso: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by type

Goals / chances produced by typeInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesLong distance shot: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Assists / Assisted chances produced by player

Assists / Assisted chances produced by playerInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesDesmond Krippner: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by time

Goals / chances produced by timeInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: Chances16-30: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by player

Goals / chances produced by playerInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesRenzo D´Aversa: 1Alf Woolery: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by type

Goals / chances produced by typeInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesShot from the penalty area: 1Direct free kick: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Assists / Assisted chances produced by player

Assists / Assisted chances produced by playerInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesLennox Milbourne: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by time

Goals / chances produced by timeInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: Chances16-30: 176+: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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