
Overview :: Arkham City

Name Position Age Skill Special  #  Pitch time Goals Chances Assists A. Chances Avg. grade Performance Status
AJ Rowlands K 18 4 13 71.79%         2.38 -1.62 (-40.38%)
Urbano Schembri K 19 4 5 27.61%         2.40 -1.60 (-40.00%)
Jim Gordon D 20 8 18 99.40%         4.78 -3.22 (-40.28%)
Poison Ivy D 19 7 18 96.40% 1 (0.06) 1 (0.06)   1 (0.06) 4.00 -3.00 (-42.86%)
Harley Quinn D 20 6 17 60.68%         3.82 -2.18 (-36.27%)
Timur Ismet D 19 6 3 11.16%         4.33 -1.67 (-27.78%)
Tony Jämtin D 19 4 15 61.04%         2.93 -1.07 (-26.67%)
Salomão Xavier D 18 4 1 5.52%         3.00 -1.00 (-25.00%)
Bruce Wayne M 18 7 18 94.66% 2 (0.12) 3 (0.18) 1 (0.06) 3 (0.18) 4.17 -2.83 (-40.48%)
The Penguin M 19 6 18 94.00%         3.56 -2.44 (-40.74%)
Dick Grayson M 18 5 16 79.59%   1 (0.07) 1 (0.07) 1 (0.07) 2.56 -2.44 (-48.75%)
Killer Croc M 18 5 17 69.45%         3.35 -1.65 (-32.94%)
Lucas Moura M 18 5 9 43.52%         2.56 -2.44 (-48.89%)
Manuel Rui Costa M 19 4 1 1.74%         4.00 -
Two Face S 20 7 18 96.82% 1 (0.06) 3 (0.17)   1 (0.06) 4.33 -2.67 (-38.10%)
The Joker S 19 6 18 97.12% 2 (0.11) 7 (0.40) 1 (0.06) 3 (0.17) 3.67 -2.33 (-38.89%)
The Riddler S 17 5 15 77.43%         3.13 -1.87 (-37.33%)
Ariel Ortega S 19 4 5 5.46%         3.80 -0.20 (-5.00%)
60.74% 6 15 3 9 3.49 -2.01 (-35.90%)
  1. Ancient F.C. - FC Porto (6 - 0) [4-5-1 vs 4-4-2]
  2. FC Porto - FC Hoffmeister (0 - 2) [4-4-2 vs 4-4-2]
  3. Cuetes to the Moon F.C. - FC Porto (3 - 0) [4-4-2 vs 4-4-2]
  4. Capalaba Cane Toads - FC Porto (4 - 0) [4-4-2 vs 3-4-3]
  5. Southend United FC - FC Porto (5 - 0) [3-4-3 vs 3-4-3]
  6. FC Porto - CSKA Moscow (0 - 6) [3-4-3 vs 3-5-2]
  7. Bristol City - FC Porto (5 - 0) [4-4-2 vs 3-4-3]
  8. FC Porto - SV Werder Bremen (0 - 6) [3-4-3 vs 4-3-3]
  9. FC Porto - Dark Nights (0 - 4) [3-4-3 vs 4-5-1]
  10. Romero AFZ - FC Porto (5 - 0) [4-5-1 vs 3-4-3]
  11. Dark Nights - FC Porto (3 - 0) [4-4-2 vs 3-4-3]
  12. FC Porto - Romero AFZ (0 - 5) [3-4-3 vs 4-4-2]
  13. SV Werder Bremen - FC Porto (6 - 1) [4-3-3 vs 3-4-3]
  14. CSKA Moscow - FC Porto (5 - 1) [4-3-3 vs 4-4-2]
  15. FC Porto - Southend United FC (0 - 5) [3-4-3 vs 4-4-2]
  16. FC Porto - Cuetes to the Moon F.C. (2 - 0) [4-3-3 vs 4-4-2]
  17. FC Hoffmeister - Arkham City (2 - 0) [4-4-2 vs 4-3-3]
  18. Arkham City - Ancient F.C. (0 - 6) [3-4-3 vs 4-4-2]

Age spread

Age spread16-19: 1520-23: 3 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by player

Goals / chances produced by playerInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesThe Joker: 7Two Face: 3Bruce Wayne: 2Dick Grayson: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by type

Goals / chances produced by typeInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesWing play: 4Direct free kick: 3Heading from corner: 2Shot from corner: 1Long distance shot: 1Through play: 1Shot from the penalty area: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by formation

Goals / chances produced by formationInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: Chances3-4-3: 84-3-3: 34-4-2: 2 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Home formation use / success

Home formation use / successOuter: Use / Inner: Points4-4-2: 14-3-3: 13-4-3: 6 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Skill spread

Skill spread4-5: 106-7: 78-9: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Assists / Assisted chances produced by player

Assists / Assisted chances produced by playerInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesDick Grayson: 3Bruce Wayne: 2Lucas Moura: 1The Joker: 1The Penguin: 1Two Face: 1Killer Croc: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by time

Goals / chances produced by timeInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: Chances16-30: 431+: 31-15: 245-60: 276+: 161-75: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances scored against formation

Goals / chances scored against formationInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: Chances4-4-2: 74-3-3: 34-5-1: 23-5-2: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Away formation use / success

Away formation use / successOuter: Use / Inner: Points4-3-3: 14-4-2: 33-4-3: 6 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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