Youth Development League :: ALL

  1. Ababil FC (x11)
  2. AC Calafuria (x11)
  3. AFC Tune Squad (x11)
  4. Assassins (x11)
  5. Battlestar Galactica (x11)
  6. Big Test Icicles (x11)
  7. Blackburn Youths (x11)
  8. British Babies (x11)
  9. Chelsea Babies (x11)
  10. Counterweight Juniors (x11)
  11. Counterweight Juniors (x11)
  12. Damiens Devils (x11)
  13. Dumpster Divers (x11)
  14. East Argyle FC (x11)
  15. ELDA FC (x11)
  16. evolution (x11)
  17. F.C Xtreme (x11)
  18. Falkirk Juniors (x11)
  19. Farthing United (x11)
  20. FCB Escola (x11)
  21. Fleeting Foxes (x11)
  22. Gwent FC (x11)
  23. Harlington Accies (x11)
  24. Imaginary Madrid (x11)
  25. Immortals (x11)
  26. Kedar Kittens (x11)
  27. Lester City (x11)
  28. Little Lever FC (x11)
  29. LittleMill Athletic (x11)
  30. Matty FC (x11)
  31. Monkey Sweepers F.C. (x11)
  32. Montreal Nippers (x11)
  33. Mulltron D.O.T.U. 1983 (x11)
  34. Northern Monkeys (x11)
  35. Notoriously SMALL (x11)
  36. Ontheup (x11)
  37. Payne FC (x11)
  38. Quahog Griffins (x11)
  39. S.L.Benfica (x11)
  40. Santa Vigo Youthz (x11)
  41. Seven Dials (x11)
  42. Sporting Sparrows (x11)
  43. Subbuteo AFC (x11)
  44. The Cubs (x11)
  45. The Lions Academy (x11)
  46. Wotton Utd (x11)
  47. Young Tractorbois (x11)
  48. ZOLA IS GOD (x11)

League chances / goals (including own goals)

League chances / goals (including own goals)MissedScoredAbabil FCAC CalafuriaAFC Tune SquadAssassinsBattlestar GalacticaBig Test IciclesBlackburn YouthsBritish BabiesChelsea BabiesCounterweight JuniorsCounterweight JuniorsDamiens DevilsDumpster DiversEast Argyle FCELDA FCevolutionF.C XtremeFalkirk JuniorsFarthing UnitedFCB EscolaFleeting FoxesGwent FCHarlington AcciesImaginary MadridImmortalsKedar KittensLester CityLittle Lever FCLittleMill AthleticMatty FCMonkey Sweepers F.C.Montreal NippersMulltron D.O.T.U. 1983Northern MonkeysNotoriously SMALLOntheupPayne FCQuahog GriffinsS.L.BenficaSanta Vigo YouthzSeven DialsSporting SparrowsSubbuteo AFCThe CubsThe Lions AcademyWotton UtdYoung TractorboisZOLA IS GOD01002003004005006007008009001,0001,1001,2001,300 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)

League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)StoppedConcededAbabil FCAC CalafuriaAFC Tune SquadAssassinsBattlestar GalacticaBig Test IciclesBlackburn YouthsBritish BabiesChelsea BabiesCounterweight JuniorsCounterweight JuniorsDamiens DevilsDumpster DiversEast Argyle FCELDA FCevolutionF.C XtremeFalkirk JuniorsFarthing UnitedFCB EscolaFleeting FoxesGwent FCHarlington AcciesImaginary MadridImmortalsKedar KittensLester CityLittle Lever FCLittleMill AthleticMatty FCMonkey Sweepers F.C.Montreal NippersMulltron D.O.T.U. 1983Northern MonkeysNotoriously SMALLOntheupPayne FCQuahog GriffinsS.L.BenficaSanta Vigo YouthzSeven DialsSporting SparrowsSubbuteo AFCThe CubsThe Lions AcademyWotton UtdYoung TractorboisZOLA IS GOD0501001502002503003504004505005506006507007508008509009501,0001,0501,100 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goal and chance difference (league only)

Goal and chance difference (league only)MissedScoredAbabil FCAC CalafuriaAFC Tune SquadAssassinsBattlestar GalacticaBig Test IciclesBlackburn YouthsBritish BabiesChelsea BabiesCounterweight JuniorsCounterweight JuniorsDamiens DevilsDumpster DiversEast Argyle FCELDA FCevolutionF.C XtremeFalkirk JuniorsFarthing UnitedFCB EscolaFleeting FoxesGwent FCHarlington AcciesImaginary MadridImmortalsKedar KittensLester CityLittle Lever FCLittleMill AthleticMatty FCMonkey Sweepers F.C.Montreal NippersMulltron D.O.T.U. 1983Northern MonkeysNotoriously SMALLOntheupPayne FCQuahog GriffinsS.L.BenficaSanta Vigo YouthzSeven DialsSporting SparrowsSubbuteo AFCThe CubsThe Lions AcademyWotton UtdYoung TractorboisZOLA IS GOD-600-550-500-450-400-350-300-250-200-150-100-50050100150200250300350400450500 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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