
Overview :: Stade Rennais F.C.

Name Position Age Skill Special  #  Pitch time Goals Chances Assists A. Chances Avg. grade Performance Status
Ricco Martinelli K 38 8 6 42.69%         7.50 -0.50 (-6.25%)
Bertrando Perna K 21 7 6 42.69%         5.72 -1.28 (-18.33%)
Brando Bachini K 35 7 8 56.92%         1.50 -5.50 (-78.57%)
Angelo Gamberi D 30 13 13 92.50%   1 (0.08) 2 (0.15) 2 (0.15) 12.71 -0.29 (-2.25%)
Nico Schol D 27 11 13 87.01% 1 (0.08) 2 (0.16)   1 (0.08) 8.98 -1.17 (-11.37%)
Cristian De Rosa D 31 11 10 71.15% 1 (0.10) 2 (0.20) 1 (0.10) 2 (0.20) 10.93 -0.07 (-0.64%)
Lucio Faldini D 27 10 6 42.69%         9.92 -0.08 (-0.83%)
Charlie Gjutenberg D 26 9 7 49.81%         9.19 +0.19 (2.06%)
Raffaello Berti D 20 5 4 26.84%         5.25 +0.25 (5.00%)
Joe Mowbray D 19 4 2 14.23%     1 (0.50) 1 (0.50) 3.45 -0.55 (-13.75%)
Montrel DeLucca M 28 11 12 85.38%         9.73 -1.27 (-11.52%)
Claudio Marchisio M 26 10 11 78.27% 1 (0.09) 4 (0.36)   1 (0.09) 9.95 -0.05 (-0.45%)
Ugo Locatelli M 28 10 11 73.63% 1 (0.10) 5 (0.48)   1 (0.10) 9.24 -0.76 (-7.64%)
Ribeiro Março M 28 10 1 7.12%   1 (1.00)     3.20 -6.80 (-68.00%)
Otto Prestonfield M 33 9 14 99.61%   3 (0.21) 1 (0.07) 1 (0.07) 8.15 -0.85 (-9.44%)
Toma Tackovic M 18 4 4 28.46%         4.15 +0.15 (3.75%)
Stid Trincheri M 19 4 2 11.76%         3.30 -0.70 (-17.50%)
Bruno Poli S 30 10 7 49.81% 1 (0.14) 1 (0.14)   1 (0.14) 6.86 -3.14 (-31.43%)
Mateo Ferron S 24 7 5 33.33% 2 (0.43) 3 (0.64)   2 (0.43) 7.24 +1.04 (17.10%)
Raymond Montgomery S 22 6 4 28.46% 1 (0.25) 4 (1.00)   1 (0.25) 5.35 -0.15 (-1.83%)
Lucio Verso S 19 5 5 30.70%   2 (0.46)     4.66 +0.26 (8.20%)
Roger Miruzzi S 18 4 1 7.12%     1 (1.00) 1 (1.00) 4.90 +0.90 (22.50%)
48.19% 8 28 6 14 6.90 -0.93 (-10.05%)
  1. FK Car Konstantin - FC Crotone Calcio (1 - 1) [3-5-2 vs 5-3-2]
  2. FC Crotone Calcio - Millonarios Bogotá (0 - 2) [4-4-2 vs 4-3-3]
  3. FK Vucje - FC Crotone Calcio (2 - 0) [5-4-1 vs 4-4-2]
  4. AS Roma - FC Crotone Calcio (3 - 0) [4-4-2 vs 4-4-2]
  5. FC Crotone Calcio - FK Pelister (3 - 1) [4-4-2 vs 3-5-2]
  6. FC Crotone Calcio - FK Radnicki (0 - 1) [4-4-2 vs 4-5-1]
  7. Flamengo - FC Crotone Calcio (4 - 0) [3-5-2 vs 4-4-2]
  8. Stade Rennais F.C. - Flamengo (0 - 4) [4-4-2 vs 3-5-2]
  9. FK Radnicki - Stade Rennais F.C. (2 - 1) [4-4-2 vs 3-5-2]
  10. FK Pelister - Stade Rennais F.C. (1 - 1) [4-4-2 vs 5-4-1]
  11. Stade Rennais F.C. - AS Roma (0 - 1) [3-5-2 vs 4-4-2]
  12. Stade Rennais F.C. - FK Vucje (1 - 4) [4-3-3 vs 4-4-2]
  13. Millonarios Bogotá - Stade Rennais F.C. (4 - 0) [4-3-3 vs 5-3-2]
  14. Stade Rennais F.C. - FK Car Konstantin (1 - 1) [4-3-3 vs 4-4-2]

Age spread

Age spread16-19: 528-30: 524-27: 520-23: 331-33: 234+: 2 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by player

Goals / chances produced by playerInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesUgo Locatelli: 5Claudio Marchisio: 4Raymond Montgomery: 4Mateo Ferron: 3Otto Prestonfield: 3Cristian De Rosa: 2Lucio Verso: 2Bruno Poli: 1Nico Schol: 1Angelo Gamberi: 1Ribeiro Março: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by type

Goals / chances produced by typeInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesWing play: 10Shot from corner: 5Heading from corner: 4Assisting free kick: 3Direct free kick: 3Long distance shot: 1Shot from the penalty area: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by formation

Goals / chances produced by formationInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: Chances4-4-2: 93-5-2: 85-4-1: 54-3-3: 35-3-2: 2 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Home formation use / success

Home formation use / successOuter: Use / Inner: Points3-5-2: 14-3-3: 24-4-2: 4 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Skill spread

Skill spread10-12: 84-5: 66-7: 48-9: 313-15: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Assists / Assisted chances produced by player

Assists / Assisted chances produced by playerInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesOtto Prestonfield: 6Angelo Gamberi: 5Cristian De Rosa: 4Claudio Marchisio: 2Lucio Faldini: 1Mateo Ferron: 1Lucio Verso: 1Joe Mowbray: 1Ugo Locatelli: 1Roger Miruzzi: 1Ribeiro Março: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by time

Goals / chances produced by timeInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: Chances45-60: 861-75: 531+: 41-15: 416-30: 376+: 3 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances scored against formation

Goals / chances scored against formationInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: Chances4-4-2: 163-5-2: 104-3-3: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Away formation use / success

Away formation use / successOuter: Use / Inner: Points5-4-1: 13-5-2: 15-3-2: 24-4-2: 3 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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