Chicken Legs


Above and Beyond

Xpert Series @ 2012-02-23 12:00:00
1 (4-4-2) - (4-4-2) 0
Pos Name Skill Performance
K Dwight Burbanks 13 -2.00 (-15.38%)
D Darrel McSporran 10 +1.00 (10.00%)
D Byron Lovell 10 +1.00 (10.00%)
D Christian Wurlitzer 7 -1.00 (-14.29%)
D Murdo McGuinness 7 -2.00 (-28.57%)
M Chad Anderson 12 -1.00 (-8.33%)
M Ismael Peña 12 -1.00 (-8.33%)
M Larry Gren 12 -1.00 (-8.33%)
M Terrence Beake 12 -1.00 (-8.33%)
S Nathan Dye 7 +1.00 (14.29%)
S Waylon Hawkins 6 0.00 (0.00%)
9.82-6.00 (-5.56%)

Possession / Performance

Possession / PerformanceChicken LegsAbove and Beyond1st Half2nd HalfOverallAgeStrengthSkillChances0255075100 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Performance Skill Name Pos
-2.00 (-25.00%) 8 Dino Manel K
-3.00 (-33.33%) 9 Johnny Neagle D
-3.00 (-33.33%) 9 Nuno Ervilha D
-2.00 (-25.00%) 8 Eilif Kjeldaas D
-1.00 (-20.00%) 5 Patrik Lenhult D
-1.00 (-10.00%) 10 Ash Abree M
-4.00 (-40.00%) 10 Nicolau Amor M
0.00 (0.00%) 8 Tyson Moody M
-2.00 (-25.00%) 8 Ralph Jensby M
-2.00 (-25.00%) 8 Artie Asken S
-2.00 (-40.00%) 5 Artur Vieira S
-22.00 (-25.00%)8.00

Goals / chances produced by player

Goals / chances produced by playerInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesNathan Dye: 2 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by type

Goals / chances produced by typeInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesLong distance shot: 1Shot from the penalty area: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Assists / Assisted chances produced by player

Assists / Assisted chances produced by playerInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesTerrence Beake: 1Larry Gren: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by time

Goals / chances produced by timeInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: Chances61-75: 176+: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by player

Goals / chances produced by playerInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesArtie Asken: 2 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by type

Goals / chances produced by typeInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesLong distance shot: 1Through play: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Assists / Assisted chances produced by player

Assists / Assisted chances produced by playerInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesNicolau Amor: 1Nuno Ervilha: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by time

Goals / chances produced by timeInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: Chances1-15: 145-60: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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