
Overview :: F.C. Maccanazionale

Name Position Age Skill Special  #  Pitch time Goals Chances Assists A. Chances Avg. grade Performance Status
Roy Cadogan K 34 11 20 90.11%         10.60 -0.40 (-3.64%)
Abran Higuero K 27 8   2 9.01%         7.00 -1.00 (-12.50%)
Shaul Shahak D 32 12 22 98.29% 1 (0.05) 4 (0.18) 1 (0.05) 2 (0.09) 10.23 -1.77 (-14.77%)
António Couto D 33 10 15 61.31% 1 (0.07) 1 (0.07)   1 (0.07) 10.80 +0.80 (8.00%)
Sean Askey D 26 9 15 62.44%     2 (0.14) 2 (0.14) 10.00 +1.00 (11.11%)
Alexandrino Dorneles D 33 9 19 60.28%         9.32 +0.32 (3.51%)
Jesús-María Palop D 25 8 15 47.31%   1 (0.10) 1 (0.10) 1 (0.10) 8.93 +0.93 (11.67%)
Dermot Keegan D 36 8 4 9.65%         8.00 -
Cristoforo Buso D 20 6 11 16.06%         6.36 +0.36 (6.06%)
Damião Castinho M 32 12 20 86.58% 6 (0.31) 10 (0.52) 3 (0.16) 9 (0.47) 13.65 +1.65 (13.75%)
August Alles M 27 11 18 80.71% 5 (0.28) 9 (0.50) 5 (0.28) 10 (0.56) 11.89 +0.89 (8.08%)
Jadesh Hasan M 28 11 19 79.97% 2 (0.11) 4 (0.23) 3 (0.17) 5 (0.28) 12.37 +1.37 (12.44%)
Charlie Alfredson M 26 10 20 79.68% 3 (0.17) 7 (0.40) 7 (0.40) 10 (0.57) 12.60 +2.60 (26.00%)
Mickey Owen M 30 10 21 92.21% 4 (0.20) 14 (0.68) 8 (0.39) 12 (0.59) 12.14 +2.14 (21.43%)
Gennaro Sensini M 19 6 15 23.75%   1 (0.19) 1 (0.19) 1 (0.19) 6.80 +0.80 (13.33%)
Flavio Di Livio M 19 5 7 8.23%         5.29 +0.29 (5.71%)
Cosimo Paschetta S 27 9 18 65.03% 6 (0.42) 18 (1.25) 2 (0.14) 8 (0.55) 10.50 +1.50 (16.67%)
Alfie McPie S 32 9 20 82.66% 10 (0.55) 27 (1.47) 3 (0.16) 13 (0.71) 10.90 +1.90 (21.11%)
Nathaniel Crichton S 23 8 16 33.59% 3 (0.40) 10 (1.34) 2 (0.27) 5 (0.67) 8.62 +0.62 (7.81%)
Alberto Quiroga S 17 4 5 3.48%         4.40 +0.40 (10.00%)
54.52% 41 106 38 79 9.52 + 0.76 ( 8.72%)
  1. Craggy Island - F.C. Maccanazionale (2 - 0) [3-5-2 vs 4-5-1]
  2. Riaru Ankou - F.C. Maccanazionale (1 - 2) [4-5-1 vs 4-5-1]
  3. F.C. Maccanazionale - 223 Academical (1 - 1) [3-5-2 vs 4-4-2]
  4. F.C. Maccanazionale - Hesperides (4 - 2) [3-5-2 vs 4-5-1]
  5. Washington Senators - F.C. Maccanazionale (0 - 1) [4-4-2 vs 4-4-2]
  6. Dan Town - F.C. Maccanazionale (3 - 5) [3-5-2 vs 4-4-2]
  7. F.C. Maccanazionale - Pikey Hunters (0 - 1) [3-5-2 vs 5-4-1]
  8. Madaket Islanders - F.C. Maccanazionale (2 - 0) [3-5-2 vs 4-5-1]
  9. F.C. Maccanazionale - Crack City Rovers (2 - 1) [4-4-2 vs 4-3-3]
  10. 223 Fish sticks F.C. - F.C. Maccanazionale (0 - 2) [4-4-2 vs 4-4-2]
  11. F.C. Maccanazionale - Cactus Jacks (4 - 0) [3-5-2 vs 4-4-2]
  12. Cactus Jacks - F.C. Maccanazionale (4 - 1) [3-5-2 vs 4-5-1]
  13. F.C. Maccanazionale - 223 Fish sticks F.C. (1 - 0) [4-4-2 vs 5-4-1]
  14. Crack City Rovers - F.C. Maccanazionale (0 - 3) [4-4-2 vs 4-4-2]
  15. F.C. Maccanazionale - Madaket Islanders (3 - 1) [3-5-2 vs 4-5-1]
  16. Pikey Hunters - F.C. Maccanazionale (1 - 1) [5-4-1 vs 3-4-3]
  17. F.C. Maccanazionale - Dan Town (0 - 0) [3-5-2 vs 5-4-1]
  18. F.C. Maccanazionale - Crooked Island (3 - 0) [3-5-2 vs 4-4-2]
  19. Hesperides - F.C. Maccanazionale (3 - 1) [3-4-3 vs 4-5-1]
  20. 223 Academical - F.C. Maccanazionale (0 - 1) [3-5-2 vs 4-4-2]
  21. F.C. Maccanazionale - Riaru Ankou (2 - 2) [4-4-2 vs 3-5-2]
  22. F.C. Maccanazionale - Craggy Island (3 - 1) [3-4-3 vs 4-5-1]

Age spread

Age spread24-27: 631-33: 516-19: 328-30: 220-23: 234+: 2 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by player

Goals / chances produced by playerInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesAlfie McPie: 27Cosimo Paschetta: 18Mickey Owen: 14Damião Castinho: 10Nathaniel Crichton: 10August Alles: 9Charlie Alfredson: 7Shaul Shahak: 4Jadesh Hasan: 4Gennaro Sensini: 1Sebastian Müller: 1Jay-Jay Ayinde: 1Jesús-María Palop: 1Aldo Hontic: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by type

Goals / chances produced by typeInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesLong distance shot: 25Shot from the penalty area: 20Wing play: 14Heading from corner: 12Through play: 12Shot from corner: 11Direct free kick: 8Assisting free kick: 3Own goal: 3 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by formation

Goals / chances produced by formationInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: Chances4-4-2: 443-5-2: 384-5-1: 183-4-3: 8 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Home formation use / success

Home formation use / successOuter: Use / Inner: Points3-4-3: 14-4-2: 33-5-2: 7 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Skill spread

Skill spread8-9: 810-12: 84-5: 26-7: 2 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Assists / Assisted chances produced by player

Assists / Assisted chances produced by playerInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesAugust Alles: 17Charlie Alfredson: 15Jadesh Hasan: 12Mickey Owen: 11Damião Castinho: 9Alfie McPie: 9Sean Askey: 6Gennaro Sensini: 5Cosimo Paschetta: 3Nathaniel Crichton: 3Shaul Shahak: 2Jesús-María Palop: 2Flavio Di Livio: 1Alexandrino Dorneles: 1António Couto: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by time

Goals / chances produced by timeInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: Chances76+: 3016-30: 2161-75: 1931+: 1345-60: 131-15: 12 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances scored against formation

Goals / chances scored against formationInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: Chances4-4-2: 353-5-2: 284-5-1: 245-4-1: 144-3-3: 43-4-3: 3 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Away formation use / success

Away formation use / successOuter: Use / Inner: Points3-4-3: 14-4-2: 54-5-1: 5 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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