The Mega League :: ALL

  1. AFC CAMERON (x11)
  2. Aids Ridden Flids (x11)
  3. Basildon Athletic (x11)
  4. Braintree Toffees (x11)
  5. BWS (x11)
  6. Coire Na Creiche (x11)
  7. CompleteLogicFC (x11)
  8. DrunkenMoenkes (x11)
  9. Dynamite (x11)
  10. Dynamo Milton (x11)
  11. Everton FC (x11)
  12. Expendables (x11)
  13. FC Aufwiedersehen (x11)
  14. FC Kolding (x11)
  15. Flash FC (x11)
  16. Fleetys Toffees (x11)
  17. Fudball FC (x11)
  18. Groundhog United (x11)
  19. Hackney Empire (x11)
  20. Inter Kirkby (x11)
  21. InterYoungBoys (x11)
  22. Irons Utd (x11)
  23. Jimmys Ball Juglers (x11)
  24. Leazes Corner (x11)
  25. Millers Youth FC (x11)
  26. Nanus Allstars (x11)
  27. Nellys Heroes (x11)
  28. Old Wynndalians (x11)
  29. Racing Litherland (x11)
  30. Real Sosobad (x11)
  31. RedFox United (x11)
  32. Royal Navy (x11)
  33. Sarum Town (x11)
  34. smithys (x11)
  35. South Everton F.C. (x11)
  36. South Parkway F.C. (x11)
  37. Sporting Aqui1a (x11)
  38. St Domingos (x11)
  39. Stratford Sub Castle (x11)
  40. Toffee Utd (x11)
  41. Ultimate Bagpuss (x11)
  42. Weeman Utd (x11)
  43. Yarmouth Vikings (x11)

League chances / goals (including own goals)

League chances / goals (including own goals)MissedScoredAFC CAMERONAids Ridden FlidsBasildon AthleticBraintree ToffeesBWSCoire Na CreicheCompleteLogicFCDrunkenMoenkesDynamiteDynamo MiltonEverton FCExpendablesFC AufwiedersehenFC KoldingFlash FCFleetys ToffeesFudball FCGroundhog UnitedHackney EmpireInter KirkbyInterYoungBoysIrons UtdJimmys Ball JuglersLeazes CornerMillers Youth FCNanus AllstarsNellys HeroesOld WynndaliansRacing LitherlandReal SosobadRedFox UnitedRoyal NavySarum TownsmithysSouth Everton F.C.South Parkway F.C.Sporting Aqui1aSt DomingosStratford Sub CastleToffee UtdUltimate BagpussWeeman UtdYarmouth Vikings0501001502002503003504004505005506006507007508008509009501,0001,0501,1001,150 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)

League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)StoppedConcededAFC CAMERONAids Ridden FlidsBasildon AthleticBraintree ToffeesBWSCoire Na CreicheCompleteLogicFCDrunkenMoenkesDynamiteDynamo MiltonEverton FCExpendablesFC AufwiedersehenFC KoldingFlash FCFleetys ToffeesFudball FCGroundhog UnitedHackney EmpireInter KirkbyInterYoungBoysIrons UtdJimmys Ball JuglersLeazes CornerMillers Youth FCNanus AllstarsNellys HeroesOld WynndaliansRacing LitherlandReal SosobadRedFox UnitedRoyal NavySarum TownsmithysSouth Everton F.C.South Parkway F.C.Sporting Aqui1aSt DomingosStratford Sub CastleToffee UtdUltimate BagpussWeeman UtdYarmouth Vikings0501001502002503003504004505005506006507007508008509009501,0001,0501,1001,150 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goal and chance difference (league only)

Goal and chance difference (league only)MissedScoredAFC CAMERONAids Ridden FlidsBasildon AthleticBraintree ToffeesBWSCoire Na CreicheCompleteLogicFCDrunkenMoenkesDynamiteDynamo MiltonEverton FCExpendablesFC AufwiedersehenFC KoldingFlash FCFleetys ToffeesFudball FCGroundhog UnitedHackney EmpireInter KirkbyInterYoungBoysIrons UtdJimmys Ball JuglersLeazes CornerMillers Youth FCNanus AllstarsNellys HeroesOld WynndaliansRacing LitherlandReal SosobadRedFox UnitedRoyal NavySarum TownsmithysSouth Everton F.C.South Parkway F.C.Sporting Aqui1aSt DomingosStratford Sub CastleToffee UtdUltimate BagpussWeeman UtdYarmouth Vikings-500-450-400-350-300-250-200-150-100-50050100150200250300350400450500 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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