The Mega League :: S16

  1. Aids Ridden Flids (x11)
  2. Avengers (x11)
  3. Braintree Toffees (x11)
  4. Everton FC (x11)
  5. FC Aufwiedersehen (x11)
  6. Flash FC (x11)
  7. Fleetys Toffees (x11)
  8. Groundhog United (x11)
  9. Hackney Empire (x11)
  10. Inter Kirkby (x11)
  11. InterYoungBoys (x11)
  12. Irons Utd (x11)
  13. Leazes Corner (x11)
  14. Nellys Heroes (x11)
  15. RedFox United (x11)
  16. Royal Navy (x11)
  17. Sarum Town (x11)
  18. Scoregasms FC (x11)
  19. South Everton F.C. (x11)
  20. South Parkway F.C. (x11)
  21. Sporting Aqui1a (x11)
  22. Stratford Sub Castle (x11)
  23. Toffee Utd (x11)
  24. Ultimate Bagpuss (x11)

League chances / goals (including own goals)

League chances / goals (including own goals)MissedScoredAids Ridden FlidsAvengersBraintree ToffeesEverton FCFC AufwiedersehenFlash FCFleetys ToffeesGroundhog UnitedHackney EmpireInter KirkbyInterYoungBoysIrons UtdLeazes CornerNellys HeroesRedFox UnitedRoyal NavySarum TownScoregasms FCSouth Everton F.C.South Parkway F.C.Sporting Aqui1aStratford Sub CastleToffee UtdUltimate Bagpuss0102030405060708090100110120130140150 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)

League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)StoppedConcededAids Ridden FlidsAvengersBraintree ToffeesEverton FCFC AufwiedersehenFlash FCFleetys ToffeesGroundhog UnitedHackney EmpireInter KirkbyInterYoungBoysIrons UtdLeazes CornerNellys HeroesRedFox UnitedRoyal NavySarum TownScoregasms FCSouth Everton F.C.South Parkway F.C.Sporting Aqui1aStratford Sub CastleToffee UtdUltimate Bagpuss0102030405060708090100110120130140150160 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goal and chance difference (league only)

Goal and chance difference (league only)MissedScoredAids Ridden FlidsAvengersBraintree ToffeesEverton FCFC AufwiedersehenFlash FCFleetys ToffeesGroundhog UnitedHackney EmpireInter KirkbyInterYoungBoysIrons UtdLeazes CornerNellys HeroesRedFox UnitedRoyal NavySarum TownScoregasms FCSouth Everton F.C.South Parkway F.C.Sporting Aqui1aStratford Sub CastleToffee UtdUltimate Bagpuss-130-120-110-100-90-80-70-60-50-40-30-20-100102030405060708090100 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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