Fo1T Series :: S10

  1. 1.FC HH-Bergedorf (x11)
  2. AC Fo1Tboyys (x11)
  3. AC Palagonia (x11)
  4. Cologne 3s and 7s (x11)
  5. FC San Damiano (x11)
  6. IFK Als Sønderborg (x11)
  7. Montafoner FC 09 (x11)
  8. NK Stafilic (x11)
  9. SG Dynamo Dresden (x11)
  10. SG Winden-Kreuzau 05 (x11)

League chances / goals (including own goals)

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League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)

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Goal and chance difference (league only)

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