The Country Club :: S14

  1. Alba an Aigh (x11)
  2. Alcantara C.P. (x11)
  3. Amero FC (x11)
  4. Bannockburn (x11)
  5. Barcode 666 (x11)
  6. Beinn Nibheis (x11)
  7. Blue-Fucsia (x11)
  8. C.D. Nacional (x11)
  9. CF Os Belenenses (x11)
  10. Conspiracy 58 (x11)
  11. Cowboy United (x11)
  12. Duke of Hamilton (x11)
  13. FC Botosani (x11)
  14. FC Rapid Bucuresti (x11)
  15. FC Young Guns (x11)
  16. FRB Utd (x11)
  17. Gangster FC (x11)
  18. Haggis Hunters (x11)
  19. Iacobini (x11)
  20. Madredeus (x11)
  21. New World Order (x11)
  22. Polar Bear FC (x11)
  23. PT Portimonense (x11)
  24. Purple Haze (x11)
  25. ROE Deutsche Rapper (x11)
  26. ROE Kick And Run FC (x11)
  27. ROE Most Wanted (x11)
  28. ROE Requiem of Yin-Yang (x11)
  29. ROE Rock Me Amadeus (x11)
  30. ROE Viking Barbarians (x11)
  31. ROW Fanatics (x11)
  32. ROW HAL Allstars (x11)
  33. ROW Nippon (x11)
  34. ROW Perak (x11)
  35. ROW Tai Po FC (x11)
  36. ROW Warriors (x11)
  37. S.L. Benfica (x11)
  38. Smiling Gargoyles (x11)
  39. Smugglers Inn (x11)
  40. Steaua Bucuresti (x11)
  41. The Bermuda Triangle (x11)
  42. The Cricketers Arms (x11)
  43. The Humble Plumb (x11)
  44. The Illuminati (x11)
  45. The Lumbertubs (x11)
  46. The Mucky Duck (x11)
  47. The Rothschilds (x11)
  48. U Cluj (x11)

League chances / goals (including own goals)

League chances / goals (including own goals)MissedScoredAlba an AighAlcantara C.P.Amero FCBannockburnBarcode 666Beinn NibheisBlue-FucsiaC.D. NacionalCF Os BelenensesConspiracy 58Cowboy UnitedDuke of HamiltonFC BotosaniFC Rapid BucurestiFC Young GunsFRB UtdGangster FCHaggis HuntersIacobiniMadredeusNew World OrderPolar Bear FCPT PortimonensePurple HazeROE Deutsche RapperROE Kick And Run FCROE Most WantedROE Requiem of Yin-YangROE Rock Me AmadeusROE Viking BarbariansROW FanaticsROW HAL AllstarsROW NipponROW PerakROW Tai Po FCROW WarriorsS.L. BenficaSmiling GargoylesSmugglers InnSteaua BucurestiThe Bermuda TriangleThe Cricketers ArmsThe Humble PlumbThe IlluminatiThe LumbertubsThe Mucky DuckThe RothschildsU Cluj05101520253035404550556065707580859095100105110 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)

League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)StoppedConcededAlba an AighAlcantara C.P.Amero FCBannockburnBarcode 666Beinn NibheisBlue-FucsiaC.D. NacionalCF Os BelenensesConspiracy 58Cowboy UnitedDuke of HamiltonFC BotosaniFC Rapid BucurestiFC Young GunsFRB UtdGangster FCHaggis HuntersIacobiniMadredeusNew World OrderPolar Bear FCPT PortimonensePurple HazeROE Deutsche RapperROE Kick And Run FCROE Most WantedROE Requiem of Yin-YangROE Rock Me AmadeusROE Viking BarbariansROW FanaticsROW HAL AllstarsROW NipponROW PerakROW Tai Po FCROW WarriorsS.L. BenficaSmiling GargoylesSmugglers InnSteaua BucurestiThe Bermuda TriangleThe Cricketers ArmsThe Humble PlumbThe IlluminatiThe LumbertubsThe Mucky DuckThe RothschildsU Cluj0102030405060708090100110120130 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goal and chance difference (league only)

Goal and chance difference (league only)MissedScoredAlba an AighAlcantara C.P.Amero FCBannockburnBarcode 666Beinn NibheisBlue-FucsiaC.D. NacionalCF Os BelenensesConspiracy 58Cowboy UnitedDuke of HamiltonFC BotosaniFC Rapid BucurestiFC Young GunsFRB UtdGangster FCHaggis HuntersIacobiniMadredeusNew World OrderPolar Bear FCPT PortimonensePurple HazeROE Deutsche RapperROE Kick And Run FCROE Most WantedROE Requiem of Yin-YangROE Rock Me AmadeusROE Viking BarbariansROW FanaticsROW HAL AllstarsROW NipponROW PerakROW Tai Po FCROW WarriorsS.L. BenficaSmiling GargoylesSmugglers InnSteaua BucurestiThe Bermuda TriangleThe Cricketers ArmsThe Humble PlumbThe IlluminatiThe LumbertubsThe Mucky DuckThe RothschildsU Cluj-120-110-100-90-80-70-60-50-40-30-20-100102030405060708090100 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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