Couch Potatoes Unite :: S15

  1. Albert Docks F.C. (x11)
  2. Athletico Balboa (x11)
  3. Athletico Padrid (x11)
  4. Buzz FC (x11)
  5. Cliffy Byro (x11)
  6. Dans Potatoes (x11)
  7. DC Marvel FC (x11)
  8. FC Sriwijaya (x11)
  9. Fozzmog FC (x11)
  10. Honolulu Generals FC (x11)
  11. Illuminati Inverurie (x11)
  12. JA United (x11)
  13. Luthers Legends (x11)
  14. Mad Men FC (x11)
  15. Maltese Cross (x11)
  16. Nells Nippers (x11)
  17. New World Order (x11)
  18. Penetration Argyle (x11)
  19. Random Hollandia XI (x11)
  20. Real Ale Madrid (x11)
  21. Real Terrible (x11)
  22. Really Madrid (x11)
  23. Sunderland FC (x11)
  24. Super Leeds United (x11)
  25. The Cobra Kai (x11)
  26. The Mystery Hawkes (x11)
  27. The Young Guvs (x11)
  28. Torbay Allstars (x11)
  29. Twilight of the Idols (x11)
  30. WAFC Legends (x11)
  31. Warrington FC (x11)
  32. WeWonIt5Times (x11)

League chances / goals (including own goals)

League chances / goals (including own goals)MissedScoredAlbert Docks F.C.Athletico BalboaAthletico PadridBuzz FCCliffy ByroDans PotatoesDC Marvel FCFC SriwijayaFozzmog FCHonolulu Generals FCIlluminati InverurieJA UnitedLuthers LegendsMad Men FCMaltese CrossNells NippersNew World OrderPenetration ArgyleRandom Hollandia XIReal Ale MadridReal TerribleReally MadridSunderland FCSuper Leeds UnitedThe Cobra KaiThe Mystery HawkesThe Young GuvsTorbay AllstarsTwilight of the IdolsWAFC LegendsWarrington FCWeWonIt5Times0102030405060708090100110120130140150160 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)

League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)StoppedConcededAlbert Docks F.C.Athletico BalboaAthletico PadridBuzz FCCliffy ByroDans PotatoesDC Marvel FCFC SriwijayaFozzmog FCHonolulu Generals FCIlluminati InverurieJA UnitedLuthers LegendsMad Men FCMaltese CrossNells NippersNew World OrderPenetration ArgyleRandom Hollandia XIReal Ale MadridReal TerribleReally MadridSunderland FCSuper Leeds UnitedThe Cobra KaiThe Mystery HawkesThe Young GuvsTorbay AllstarsTwilight of the IdolsWAFC LegendsWarrington FCWeWonIt5Times0102030405060708090100110120130140150160170 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goal and chance difference (league only)

Goal and chance difference (league only)MissedScoredAlbert Docks F.C.Athletico BalboaAthletico PadridBuzz FCCliffy ByroDans PotatoesDC Marvel FCFC SriwijayaFozzmog FCHonolulu Generals FCIlluminati InverurieJA UnitedLuthers LegendsMad Men FCMaltese CrossNells NippersNew World OrderPenetration ArgyleRandom Hollandia XIReal Ale MadridReal TerribleReally MadridSunderland FCSuper Leeds UnitedThe Cobra KaiThe Mystery HawkesThe Young GuvsTorbay AllstarsTwilight of the IdolsWAFC LegendsWarrington FCWeWonIt5Times-160-140-120-100-80-60-40-20020406080100120 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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