TippTabellen :: S08

  1. Athletico Davinjo (x11)
  2. Banik Ostrava (x11)
  3. Brummington (x11)
  4. El Rojo (x11)
  5. Eydehavn Eagles (x11)
  6. FC Silvatores (x11)
  7. Flisbyen Ballklubb (x11)
  8. Forfeit Town (x11)
  9. Fugla FK (x11)
  10. Garforth Town (x11)
  11. Gjesme Boys (x11)
  12. Home of the brave (x11)
  13. Horny Rhinos (x11)
  14. Kings Park Strangers (x11)
  15. Kurland FK (x11)
  16. Newton Heath (x11)
  17. North Rangers F.C. (x11)
  18. Schweigaard United (x11)
  19. Smaa Blaa (x11)
  20. Sporting Emiliano (x11)
  21. Sportsklubben V. (x11)
  22. The Clementines (x11)
  23. Titan Uranus (x11)
  24. WallWall United (x11)

League chances / goals (including own goals)

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League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)

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Goal and chance difference (league only)

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