TippTabellen :: S10

  1. Athletico Davinjo (x11)
  2. Banik Ostrava (x11)
  3. Brummington (x11)
  4. De målløse (x11)
  5. Dead Rhinos (x11)
  6. Deep rollers (x11)
  7. El Rojo (x11)
  8. Eydehavn Eagles (x11)
  9. FC Powel (x11)
  10. FC Silvatores (x11)
  11. FC Trønderbart (x11)
  12. Flisbyen Ballklubb (x11)
  13. Fugla FK (x11)
  14. Garforth Town (x11)
  15. Gjesme Boys (x11)
  16. Home of the brave (x11)
  17. Kings Park Strangers (x11)
  18. Kristoffers (x11)
  19. Kurland FK (x11)
  20. Newton Heath (x11)
  21. North Rangers F.C. (x11)
  22. Puertas (x11)
  23. Schweigaard United (x11)
  24. Smaa Blaa (x11)
  25. Sporting Emiliano (x11)
  26. Sportsklubben V. (x11)
  27. The Clementines (x11)
  28. The Republic of Leif (x11)
  29. Titan Uranus (x11)
  30. WallWall United (x11)

League chances / goals (including own goals)

League chances / goals (including own goals)MissedScoredAthletico DavinjoBanik OstravaBrummingtonDe målløseDead RhinosDeep rollersEl RojoEydehavn EaglesFC PowelFC SilvatoresFC TrønderbartFlisbyen BallklubbFugla FKGarforth TownGjesme BoysHome of the braveKings Park StrangersKristoffersKurland FKNewton HeathNorth Rangers F.C.PuertasSchweigaard UnitedSmaa BlaaSporting EmilianoSportsklubben V.The ClementinesThe Republic of LeifTitan UranusWallWall United0102030405060708090100110120130140150160170180 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)

League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)StoppedConcededAthletico DavinjoBanik OstravaBrummingtonDe målløseDead RhinosDeep rollersEl RojoEydehavn EaglesFC PowelFC SilvatoresFC TrønderbartFlisbyen BallklubbFugla FKGarforth TownGjesme BoysHome of the braveKings Park StrangersKristoffersKurland FKNewton HeathNorth Rangers F.C.PuertasSchweigaard UnitedSmaa BlaaSporting EmilianoSportsklubben V.The ClementinesThe Republic of LeifTitan UranusWallWall United0102030405060708090100110120130140150160170180190200 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goal and chance difference (league only)

Goal and chance difference (league only)MissedScoredAthletico DavinjoBanik OstravaBrummingtonDe målløseDead RhinosDeep rollersEl RojoEydehavn EaglesFC PowelFC SilvatoresFC TrønderbartFlisbyen BallklubbFugla FKGarforth TownGjesme BoysHome of the braveKings Park StrangersKristoffersKurland FKNewton HeathNorth Rangers F.C.PuertasSchweigaard UnitedSmaa BlaaSporting EmilianoSportsklubben V.The ClementinesThe Republic of LeifTitan UranusWallWall United-140-120-100-80-60-40-20020406080100120 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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