Third Lanark AC


Class Act

Scottish Elite @ 2011-03-28 18:00:00
2 (3-4-3) - (3-5-2) 3
Pos Name Skill Performance
K Ronnie Simpson 5 -1.60 (-32.00%)
D Alf Farton 8 +1.10 (13.75%)
D Gary Painer 8 -0.10 (-1.25%)
D James Collins 7 -1.20 (-17.14%)
M Thomas MacCleir 9 +1.00 (11.11%)
M Campbell MacFillan 7 +1.90 (27.14%)
M Cammy MacCammon 7 +1.40 (20.00%)
M Alfie Lockhart 7 -0.10 (-1.43%)
S Willy Bothwell 7 +0.30 (4.29%)
S Sture Ødegård 7 -0.10 (-1.43%)
S Irving Pagan 5 -0.30 (-6.00%)
7.00+2.30 (2.99%)

Possession / Performance

Possession / PerformanceThird Lanark ACClass Act1st Half2nd HalfOverallAgeStrengthSkillChances0100255075 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Performance Skill Name Pos
-1.80 (-25.71%) 7 Abelardo Baia K
+0.80 (10.00%) 8 Lientur Carrascosa D
-1.20 (-17.14%) 7 Kapil Lal D
0.00 (0.00%) 6 Alexandre Albelda D
+1.80 (22.50%) 8 Salvador Roteta M
+0.60 (7.50%) 8 Lambert Ashdown M
+2.80 (40.00%) 7 Giacomo Nodari M
+1.70 (24.29%) 7 Benedicto Aguado M
+1.10 (18.33%) 6 Apolo Pirri M
+0.50 (8.33%) 6 Tom-Stian Ryeng S
+1.40 (28.00%) 5 Orlan Santa Cruz S
+7.70 (10.27%)6.82

Goals / chances produced by player

Goals / chances produced by playerInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesWilly Bothwell: 3Alfie Lockhart: 2Cammy MacCammon: 1Campbell MacFillan: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by type

Goals / chances produced by typeInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesDirect free kick: 2Heading from corner: 1Shot from corner: 1Long distance shot: 1Wing play: 1Through play: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Assists / Assisted chances produced by player

Assists / Assisted chances produced by playerInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesCampbell MacFillan: 3Cammy MacCammon: 1Alfie Lockhart: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by time

Goals / chances produced by timeInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: Chances1-15: 261-75: 276+: 216-30: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by player

Goals / chances produced by playerInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesGiacomo Nodari: 2Orlan Santa Cruz: 2Benedicto Aguado: 1Salvador Roteta: 1James Collins: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by type

Goals / chances produced by typeInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesAssisting free kick: 2Shot from the penalty area: 2Heading from corner: 1Wing play: 1Own goal: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Assists / Assisted chances produced by player

Assists / Assisted chances produced by playerInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesLambert Ashdown: 2Giacomo Nodari: 2Alexandre Albelda: 1Benedicto Aguado: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by time

Goals / chances produced by timeInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: Chances45-60: 231+: 116-30: 11-15: 161-75: 176+: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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