Scottish Elite :: S08

  1. Aberweegie FC (x11)
  2. Alba Gu Brath (x11)
  3. Alba Utd (x11)
  4. Am Basteir (x11)
  5. Barnton Park Hibs (x11)
  6. Barrhead United (x11)
  7. Bayern Bru (x11)
  8. Border Disorder (x11)
  9. Buckie Bhoys (x11)
  10. Caledon (x11)
  11. Caledonia (x11)
  12. Cardiacs (x11)
  13. Clacks Academicals (x11)
  14. Cowlairs FC (x11)
  15. Crossers (x11)
  16. Cullen Skink Bulls Fc (x11)
  17. Dalry Dumplings (x11)
  18. Davs Dodgers (x11)
  19. DCHS (x11)
  20. Deanos Maestros (x11)
  21. Dios Mios (x11)
  22. Donside Warriors (x11)
  23. Dumbarton Utd (x11)
  24. Dunoon AFC (x11)
  25. Elgin City (x11)
  26. Erskine Earwigs FC (x11)
  27. eXcession (x11)
  28. FC United of Aberdeen (x11)
  29. Forres Thistle (x11)
  30. Garrowhill Young Team (x11)
  31. Glasvegas (x11)
  32. Gorgie Legends (x11)
  33. Gosport Galacticos (x11)
  34. Heineken Warriors (x11)
  35. High Times (x11)
  36. Johnstone Fury (x11)
  37. Kilwinning Rangers (x11)
  38. Kirkcraigs FC (x11)
  39. Kontrol X1 (x11)
  40. L-B.O.T (x11)
  41. Machrie Marauders (x11)
  42. Maestros (x11)
  43. Nitten Star (x11)
  44. Oldshoremore United (x11)
  45. Paisley Blues (x11)
  46. rangers boyz (x11)
  47. Rangers plc (x11)
  48. Real Rosyth (x11)
  49. Shed Rule FC (x11)
  50. Shetland (x11)
  51. Steak Bridie Athletic (x11)
  52. Suicide Bombers (x11)
  53. Syngenta (x11)
  54. Tarbolton Town (x11)
  55. The Carrick Knowe Inn (x11)
  56. The Chosen Ones (x11)
  57. The Highlanders (x11)
  58. The Raging Bulls (x11)
  59. The Tic (x11)
  60. Third Lanark AC (x11)
  61. University of Aberdeen (x11)
  62. Viva Las Fife (x11)
  63. Werder Bremen (x11)
  64. Widzy Wanderers (x11)

League chances / goals (including own goals)

League chances / goals (including own goals)MissedScoredAberweegie FCAlba Gu BrathAlba UtdAm BasteirBarnton Park HibsBarrhead UnitedBayern BruBorder DisorderBuckie BhoysCaledonCaledoniaCardiacsClacks AcademicalsCowlairs FCCrossersCullen Skink Bulls FcDalry DumplingsDavs DodgersDCHSDeanos MaestrosDios MiosDonside WarriorsDumbarton UtdDunoon AFCElgin CityErskine Earwigs FCeXcessionFC United of AberdeenForres ThistleGarrowhill Young TeamGlasvegasGorgie LegendsGosport GalacticosHeineken WarriorsHigh TimesJohnstone FuryKilwinning RangersKirkcraigs FCKontrol X1L-B.O.TMachrie MaraudersMaestrosNitten StarOldshoremore UnitedPaisley Bluesrangers boyzRangers plcReal RosythShed Rule FCShetlandSteak Bridie AthleticSuicide BombersSyngentaTarbolton TownThe Carrick Knowe InnThe Chosen OnesThe HighlandersThe Raging BullsThe TicThird Lanark ACUniversity of AberdeenViva Las FifeWerder BremenWidzy Wanderers0102030405060708090100110120130140150 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)

League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)StoppedConcededAberweegie FCAlba Gu BrathAlba UtdAm BasteirBarnton Park HibsBarrhead UnitedBayern BruBorder DisorderBuckie BhoysCaledonCaledoniaCardiacsClacks AcademicalsCowlairs FCCrossersCullen Skink Bulls FcDalry DumplingsDavs DodgersDCHSDeanos MaestrosDios MiosDonside WarriorsDumbarton UtdDunoon AFCElgin CityErskine Earwigs FCeXcessionFC United of AberdeenForres ThistleGarrowhill Young TeamGlasvegasGorgie LegendsGosport GalacticosHeineken WarriorsHigh TimesJohnstone FuryKilwinning RangersKirkcraigs FCKontrol X1L-B.O.TMachrie MaraudersMaestrosNitten StarOldshoremore UnitedPaisley Bluesrangers boyzRangers plcReal RosythShed Rule FCShetlandSteak Bridie AthleticSuicide BombersSyngentaTarbolton TownThe Carrick Knowe InnThe Chosen OnesThe HighlandersThe Raging BullsThe TicThird Lanark ACUniversity of AberdeenViva Las FifeWerder BremenWidzy Wanderers0102030405060708090100110120130140150160170 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goal and chance difference (league only)

Goal and chance difference (league only)MissedScoredAberweegie FCAlba Gu BrathAlba UtdAm BasteirBarnton Park HibsBarrhead UnitedBayern BruBorder DisorderBuckie BhoysCaledonCaledoniaCardiacsClacks AcademicalsCowlairs FCCrossersCullen Skink Bulls FcDalry DumplingsDavs DodgersDCHSDeanos MaestrosDios MiosDonside WarriorsDumbarton UtdDunoon AFCElgin CityErskine Earwigs FCeXcessionFC United of AberdeenForres ThistleGarrowhill Young TeamGlasvegasGorgie LegendsGosport GalacticosHeineken WarriorsHigh TimesJohnstone FuryKilwinning RangersKirkcraigs FCKontrol X1L-B.O.TMachrie MaraudersMaestrosNitten StarOldshoremore UnitedPaisley Bluesrangers boyzRangers plcReal RosythShed Rule FCShetlandSteak Bridie AthleticSuicide BombersSyngentaTarbolton TownThe Carrick Knowe InnThe Chosen OnesThe HighlandersThe Raging BullsThe TicThird Lanark ACUniversity of AberdeenViva Las FifeWerder BremenWidzy Wanderers-140-120-100-80-60-40-20020406080100120 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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