The Biscuit Tin :: ALL

  1. Animal Knackers (x11)
  2. Ballon Doreo City (x11)
  3. Blue Riband (x11)
  4. Bourbon 11 (x11)
  5. Breakaway Wanderers (x11)
  6. Chocolate Dingers (x11)
  7. Chucklate Digestives (x11)
  8. Cookie Town FC (x11)
  9. Crystal Creams (x11)
  10. Ginger Nuts Athletic (x11)
  11. hob nob utd (x11)
  12. Jaffa Cakes (x11)
  13. Jammy Ring Wigsplitter (x11)
  14. Join Our Club (x11)
  15. Killer Kit Kats (x11)
  16. Morning Coffee Mayhem (x11)
  17. Punitive Penguins (x11)
  18. Richts Richteas (x11)
  19. Shortofbread (x11)
  20. Suggestive Digestives (x11)
  21. Suspicious Shortbread (x11)
  22. Toffee Dodgers (x11)
  23. Wagon Wheelers (x11)

League chances / goals (including own goals)

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League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)

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Goal and chance difference (league only)

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