Wagon Wheelers


Fig Rollspurs

The Biscuit Tin @ 2012-01-13 20:00:00
5 (3-4-3) - (4-4-2) 0
Pos Name Skill Performance
K Burt Lancaster 7 0.00 (0.00%)
D Duane Holloway 9 0.00 (0.00%)
D Jim Bowie 7 -2.00 (-28.57%)
D Billy The Kid 6 0.00 (0.00%)
M Jeziah Doc Scurlock 10 0.00 (0.00%)
M John Wayne 9 0.00 (0.00%)
M Edward Otway 7 +1.00 (14.29%)
M Chavez E Chavez 6 0.00 (0.00%)
S Wyatt Earp 8 +2.00 (25.00%)
S Buster Gonad 3 0.00 (0.00%)
S Ned Kelly 3 0.00 (0.00%)
R Sven The Beserk 5 +1.00 (20.00%)
6.67+2.00 (2.50%)

Possession / Performance

Possession / PerformanceWagon WheelersFig Rollspurs1st Half2nd HalfOverallAgeStrengthSkillChances0100255075 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Performance Skill Name Pos
-5.00 (-71.43%) 7 Larry Alcock K
-1.00 (-12.50%) 8 Burt Blessed D
0.00 (0.00%) 7 Rufus Buxton D
-2.00 (-28.57%) 7 Isaac Goss D
0.00 (0.00%) 6 Bart Pidgeley D
-3.00 (-42.86%) 7 Dicke Davies M
-3.00 (-42.86%) 7 Joseph Blackwood M
-2.00 (-33.33%) 6 Dennis Bell M
-3.00 (-50.00%) 6 Phil Cool M
-2.00 (-28.57%) 7 Elton Welsby S
0.00 (0.00%) 3 Stringy Bob S
0.00 (0.00%) 5 Lucian Roey R
-21.00 (-27.63%)6.33

Goals / chances produced by player

Goals / chances produced by playerInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesEdward Otway: 3Wyatt Earp: 2Buster Gonad: 1Sven The Beserk: 1Jeziah Doc Scurlock: 1John Wayne: 1Chavez E Chavez: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by type

Goals / chances produced by typeInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesThrough play: 3Assisting free kick: 2Long distance shot: 2Wing play: 1Shot from the penalty area: 1Direct free kick: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Assists / Assisted chances produced by player

Assists / Assisted chances produced by playerInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesJeziah Doc Scurlock: 4Wyatt Earp: 3Sven The Beserk: 1Chavez E Chavez: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by time

Goals / chances produced by timeInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: Chances1-15: 545-60: 316-30: 176+: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by player

Goals / chances produced by playerInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: Chances Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by type

Goals / chances produced by typeInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: Chances Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Assists / Assisted chances produced by player

Assists / Assisted chances produced by playerInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: Chances Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by time

Goals / chances produced by timeInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: Chances Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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