Best Of The Best :: S03

  1. Amateur Eleven FC (x11)
  2. Arctic Wolves (x11)
  3. Arsenal (x11)
  4. Bosphorus Hotspur (x11)
  5. Bunga Bunga FC (x11)
  6. Celta Vigo (x11)
  7. DangerDucks (x11)
  8. Down and Out (x11)
  9. Grunwald FC (x11)
  10. Hairy Monks (x11)
  11. Inglourious Basterds (x11)
  12. Ipswich Town (x11)
  13. Irish Wolfhounds (x11)
  14. ISIS (x11)
  15. Kater FC (x11)
  16. Kola Kubes (x11)
  17. Lokomotive Leipzig (x11)
  18. Magic Rock XI (x11)
  19. Manchester United (x11)
  20. Miami Tragic (x11)
  21. Minster Lovell FC (x11)
  22. Mookie Blaylock (x11)
  23. Nells Nockers (x11)
  24. Ritor FC (x11)
  25. Solitary Refinement (x11)
  26. South Shields (x11)
  27. Swollen Beavers (x11)
  28. Teynham Utd (x11)
  29. The Elite Royale (x11)
  30. The Great White Buffalo (x11)
  31. The Jokers (x11)
  32. Warwick Road Wanderers (x11)

League chances / goals (including own goals)

League chances / goals (including own goals)MissedScoredAmateur Eleven FCArctic WolvesArsenalBosphorus HotspurBunga Bunga FCCelta VigoDangerDucksDown and OutGrunwald FCHairy MonksInglourious BasterdsIpswich TownIrish WolfhoundsISISKater FCKola KubesLokomotive LeipzigMagic Rock XIManchester UnitedMiami TragicMinster Lovell FCMookie BlaylockNells NockersRitor FCSolitary RefinementSouth ShieldsSwollen BeaversTeynham UtdThe Elite RoyaleThe Great White BuffaloThe JokersWarwick Road Wanderers0102030405060708090100110120130140150160170180190 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)

League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)StoppedConcededAmateur Eleven FCArctic WolvesArsenalBosphorus HotspurBunga Bunga FCCelta VigoDangerDucksDown and OutGrunwald FCHairy MonksInglourious BasterdsIpswich TownIrish WolfhoundsISISKater FCKola KubesLokomotive LeipzigMagic Rock XIManchester UnitedMiami TragicMinster Lovell FCMookie BlaylockNells NockersRitor FCSolitary RefinementSouth ShieldsSwollen BeaversTeynham UtdThe Elite RoyaleThe Great White BuffaloThe JokersWarwick Road Wanderers0102030405060708090100110120130140 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goal and chance difference (league only)

Goal and chance difference (league only)MissedScoredAmateur Eleven FCArctic WolvesArsenalBosphorus HotspurBunga Bunga FCCelta VigoDangerDucksDown and OutGrunwald FCHairy MonksInglourious BasterdsIpswich TownIrish WolfhoundsISISKater FCKola KubesLokomotive LeipzigMagic Rock XIManchester UnitedMiami TragicMinster Lovell FCMookie BlaylockNells NockersRitor FCSolitary RefinementSouth ShieldsSwollen BeaversTeynham UtdThe Elite RoyaleThe Great White BuffaloThe JokersWarwick Road Wanderers-100-80-60-40-20020406080100120140-120160 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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