Best Of The Best :: S05

  1. Amateur Eleven FC (x11)
  2. Arctic Wolves (x11)
  3. Bosphorus Hotspur (x11)
  4. Brooners Boys (x11)
  5. Bunga Bunga FC (x11)
  6. Celta Vigo (x11)
  7. Clash City Rockers (x11)
  8. Country Hoose Joose (x11)
  9. DangerDucks (x11)
  10. Down and Out (x11)
  11. Explosive Lords (x11)
  12. ExtraOrdinary Gentlemen (x11)
  13. FC ALLSTARS (x11)
  14. Hairy Monks (x11)
  15. Ipswich Town (x11)
  16. Irish Wolfhounds (x11)
  17. ISIS (x11)
  18. Kater FC (x11)
  19. Kola Kubes (x11)
  20. Laws Legends (x11)
  21. Lokomotive Leipzig (x11)
  22. Magic Rock XI (x11)
  23. Manchester United (x11)
  24. Miami Magic (x11)
  25. Minster Lovell FC (x11)
  26. Mookie Blaylock (x11)
  27. Moose Utd (x11)
  28. Nells Nockers (x11)
  29. Red Wings (x11)
  30. Ritor FC (x11)
  31. Solitary Refinement (x11)
  32. Swollen Beavers (x11)
  33. Teynham Utd (x11)
  34. The Deceivers (x11)
  35. The Great White Buffalo (x11)
  36. The Jokers (x11)
  37. United City (x11)
  38. Villa Hardcore (x11)
  39. Warwick Road Wanderers (x11)
  40. Wonkey Donkeys AFC (x11)

League chances / goals (including own goals)

League chances / goals (including own goals)MissedScoredAmateur Eleven FCArctic WolvesBosphorus HotspurBrooners BoysBunga Bunga FCCelta VigoClash City RockersCountry Hoose JooseDangerDucksDown and OutExplosive LordsExtraOrdinary GentlemenFC ALLSTARSHairy MonksIpswich TownIrish WolfhoundsISISKater FCKola KubesLaws LegendsLokomotive LeipzigMagic Rock XIManchester UnitedMiami MagicMinster Lovell FCMookie BlaylockMoose UtdNells NockersRed WingsRitor FCSolitary RefinementSwollen BeaversTeynham UtdThe DeceiversThe Great White BuffaloThe JokersUnited CityVilla HardcoreWarwick Road WanderersWonkey Donkeys AFC0510152025303540455055606570758085 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)

League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)StoppedConcededAmateur Eleven FCArctic WolvesBosphorus HotspurBrooners BoysBunga Bunga FCCelta VigoClash City RockersCountry Hoose JooseDangerDucksDown and OutExplosive LordsExtraOrdinary GentlemenFC ALLSTARSHairy MonksIpswich TownIrish WolfhoundsISISKater FCKola KubesLaws LegendsLokomotive LeipzigMagic Rock XIManchester UnitedMiami MagicMinster Lovell FCMookie BlaylockMoose UtdNells NockersRed WingsRitor FCSolitary RefinementSwollen BeaversTeynham UtdThe DeceiversThe Great White BuffaloThe JokersUnited CityVilla HardcoreWarwick Road WanderersWonkey Donkeys AFC05101520253035404550556065707580 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goal and chance difference (league only)

Goal and chance difference (league only)MissedScoredAmateur Eleven FCArctic WolvesBosphorus HotspurBrooners BoysBunga Bunga FCCelta VigoClash City RockersCountry Hoose JooseDangerDucksDown and OutExplosive LordsExtraOrdinary GentlemenFC ALLSTARSHairy MonksIpswich TownIrish WolfhoundsISISKater FCKola KubesLaws LegendsLokomotive LeipzigMagic Rock XIManchester UnitedMiami MagicMinster Lovell FCMookie BlaylockMoose UtdNells NockersRed WingsRitor FCSolitary RefinementSwollen BeaversTeynham UtdThe DeceiversThe Great White BuffaloThe JokersUnited CityVilla HardcoreWarwick Road WanderersWonkey Donkeys AFC-60-55-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-505101520253035404550 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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