Camarilla Progeria :: S01

  1. Almada FC (x11)
  2. Atlético Juniors (x11)
  3. Bandido Nation (x11)
  4. Camarilla New Old Boy`s (x11)
  5. CBeebies (x11)
  6. Cop Food (x11)
  7. Devils Island (x11)
  8. Dutch Drug Dealers (x11)
  9. Farting Ferrets (x11)
  10. Fast and Loose (x11)
  11. FJ Athletic (x11)
  12. Herculeans (x11)
  13. Humdingers (x11)
  14. Lounge Lizards (x11)
  15. Magicians Alliance (x11)
  16. Marchmont Arms (x11)
  17. Masters (x11)
  18. New Era (x11)
  19. Real Mildred (x11)
  20. Rio de United (x11)
  21. Rock n Roll Hamsters (x11)
  22. The Renegades (x11)
  23. Trusty Chords (x11)

League chances / goals (including own goals)

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League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)

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Goal and chance difference (league only)

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