Anglo-Romanian :: S20

  1. Anfield Pride (x11)
  2. Bayern Craiova (x11)
  3. Brad FC (x11)
  4. Brax Team (x11)
  5. Craiova (x11)
  6. Craiova Maxima (x11)
  7. Craiova United (x11)
  8. Lincoln Foxes (x11)
  9. Mallsfield Town (x11)
  10. Mighty Kopites A (x11)
  11. Real Warsop (x11)
  12. Romsey United (x11)
  13. Shireoaks Barmy Army (x11)
  14. Super Reds (x11)
  15. Tricky Trees (x11)
  16. Young Boys (x11)

League chances / goals (including own goals)

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League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)

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Goal and chance difference (league only)

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