Football Masters :: S27

  1. AFC Dribblers (x11)
  2. Bill Shanklys Specials (x11)
  3. black and blue boys (x11)
  4. BumbleBee FC (x11)
  5. Carlington FC (x11)
  6. Cheesy Boys FC (x11)
  7. F.C. Roker (x11)
  8. Falcon City Hawks FC (x11)
  9. Flint Tropics (x11)
  10. Fogle Fliers (x11)
  11. Generic FC (x11)
  12. Happy Mon-days (x11)
  13. hockinghotspurs (x11)
  14. IBOAB Immediately FC (x11)
  15. Krazjk Skward (x11)
  16. Leyton Spurs (x11)
  17. Liverpool FC (x11)
  18. Mackem Magic AFC (x11)
  19. Ramblers FC (x11)
  20. Real Sadrid (x11)
  21. Riddlers Army (x11)
  22. rule supreme (x11)
  23. SeaDogs (x11)
  24. Sizzling Ecosse (x11)
  25. Snommis Rovers (x11)
  26. Sweet Martabak (x11)
  27. THE BLACK NINJAS (x11)
  28. The Gamecock Collection (x11)
  29. The Neverland Pirates (x11)
  30. The Top Cats (x11)
  31. Trekies (x11)
  32. ZFN (x11)

League chances / goals (including own goals)

League chances / goals (including own goals)MissedScoredAFC DribblersBill Shanklys Specialsblack and blue boysBumbleBee FCCarlington FCCheesy Boys FCF.C. RokerFalcon City Hawks FCFlint TropicsFogle FliersGeneric FCHappy Mon-dayshockinghotspursIBOAB Immediately FCKrazjk SkwardLeyton SpursLiverpool FCMackem Magic AFCRamblers FCReal SadridRiddlers Armyrule supremeSeaDogsSizzling EcosseSnommis RoversSweet MartabakTHE BLACK NINJASThe Gamecock CollectionThe Neverland PiratesThe Top CatsTrekiesZFN0102030405060708090100110120130140150160170180190200 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)

League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)StoppedConcededAFC DribblersBill Shanklys Specialsblack and blue boysBumbleBee FCCarlington FCCheesy Boys FCF.C. RokerFalcon City Hawks FCFlint TropicsFogle FliersGeneric FCHappy Mon-dayshockinghotspursIBOAB Immediately FCKrazjk SkwardLeyton SpursLiverpool FCMackem Magic AFCRamblers FCReal SadridRiddlers Armyrule supremeSeaDogsSizzling EcosseSnommis RoversSweet MartabakTHE BLACK NINJASThe Gamecock CollectionThe Neverland PiratesThe Top CatsTrekiesZFN0102030405060708090100110120130140150160170180 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goal and chance difference (league only)

Goal and chance difference (league only)MissedScoredAFC DribblersBill Shanklys Specialsblack and blue boysBumbleBee FCCarlington FCCheesy Boys FCF.C. RokerFalcon City Hawks FCFlint TropicsFogle FliersGeneric FCHappy Mon-dayshockinghotspursIBOAB Immediately FCKrazjk SkwardLeyton SpursLiverpool FCMackem Magic AFCRamblers FCReal SadridRiddlers Armyrule supremeSeaDogsSizzling EcosseSnommis RoversSweet MartabakTHE BLACK NINJASThe Gamecock CollectionThe Neverland PiratesThe Top CatsTrekiesZFN-160-140-120-100-80-60-40-20020406080100120140160 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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