Overview :: 4-4-2

Average points 1.27 (1.27) 1.57 (1.62) 0.99 (0.93)
Goals scored 1.38 (1.31) 1.66 (1.60) 1.09 (1.01)
Goals conceded 1.73 (1.58) 1.38 (1.22) 2.08 (1.93)
Win percentage 37.32% (36.21%) 46.86% (47.52%) 27.88% (24.91%)
Conversion rate 37.04% (35.07%) 38.40% (36.57%) 35.16% (32.93%)
Possession 48.84% (49.09%) 52.37% (52.89%) 45.35% (45.29%)
Complete breakdowns by formations   Overall / Filtered Overall / Filtered

Result distribution at home

Distribution of results is based on relative strength in skill between the teams, measured in percent. Negative percentages means the away team has the skill-wise advantage, positive skill means the home team has the advantage. The data set is filtered to only include teams that field 50 skill bars (or more) in total, and only results of teams within 50 skill bars of each other is included. Matches before 2012-06-01 are also dropped due to the performance changes in May.