Xpert Champions League :: XXV

  1. 666 United (x11)
  2. 7Eleven FC (x11)
  3. AD Ponte Barca (x11)
  4. Athletico Llamedos (x11)
  5. Dens Dafties (x11)
  6. DIF71sGötecastleuleå (x11)
  7. Docha Team (x11)
  8. Eagle Army FC (x11)
  9. F.C. Sloga (x11)
  10. FC Interpool (x11)
  11. FC Steaua Bucuresti (x11)
  12. Gardenia (x11)
  13. Glory Seekers (x11)
  14. Guardian Angels (x11)
  15. Hajduk 70s (x11)
  16. Hashishins (x11)
  17. Ibiza CF (x11)
  18. Icarus Flight (x11)
  19. IFK Juve (x11)
  20. Looptroop (x11)
  21. Northern Elite (x11)
  22. Nös IK (x11)
  23. Racing Forstäppan (x11)
  24. S.L. SabugAll (x11)
  25. Skeninge IK (x11)
  26. Smögens IF (x11)
  27. Steaua.B (x11)
  28. Thà Sàramos United (x11)
  29. Torcida Split (x11)
  30. Trosorna (x11)
  31. Ursvik IK (x11)
  32. Wesenbergh United FC (x11)

League chances / goals (including own goals)

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League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)

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Goal and chance difference (league only)

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