Xpert Series :: S33

  1. ABCDE FC (x11)
  2. Above and Beyond (x11)
  3. AFC Meltham (x11)
  4. Arsenal (x11)
  5. Canucks Utd (x11)
  6. Carlisle Knights (x11)
  7. Chelsito Boys FC (x11)
  8. Chicken Legs (x11)
  9. Conquerors 3.0 (x11)
  10. Conundra (x11)
  11. Deal Town Rangers (x11)
  12. Deportivo Wanka (x11)
  13. Double Rainbow (x11)
  14. Dream Style (x11)
  15. Essex Athletic (x11)
  16. Farcelona (x11)
  17. FC Daninator (x11)
  18. FC Marv (x11)
  19. FC Porto (x11)
  20. FC United (x11)
  21. Fo1Tboyys Reserve (x11)
  22. Forza Azzurri (x11)
  23. G (x11)
  24. Ghettosuperstars (x11)
  25. Hat Trick FC (x11)
  26. Henthorn Hotshots (x11)
  27. Imperial Palace (x11)
  28. Ma Lin Boyz (x11)
  29. MC Stradale (x11)
  30. Mean Machine (x11)
  31. Molineux Wolves F.C. (x11)
  32. Netherlands Oranje (x11)
  33. New Jack Swing (x11)
  34. New York Red Bulls (x11)
  35. Northen Bois (x11)
  36. Old Skool Park (x11)
  37. Pie Eaters United (x11)
  38. Planet Of Drums (x11)
  39. Prison Rules (x11)
  40. Random Argentino XI (x11)
  41. SL Benfica (x11)
  42. Sporting CP (x11)
  43. Subbuteo FC (x11)
  44. Substandard Liege (x11)
  45. Supa Dope Brothers (x11)
  46. Terrapins FC (x11)
  47. The Knockout Kings (x11)
  48. Town Called Malice (x11)

League chances / goals (including own goals)

League chances / goals (including own goals)MissedScoredABCDE FCAbove and BeyondAFC MelthamArsenalCanucks UtdCarlisle KnightsChelsito Boys FCChicken LegsConquerors 3.0ConundraDeal Town RangersDeportivo WankaDouble RainbowDream StyleEssex AthleticFarcelonaFC DaninatorFC MarvFC PortoFC UnitedFo1Tboyys ReserveForza AzzurriGGhettosuperstarsHat Trick FCHenthorn HotshotsImperial PalaceMa Lin BoyzMC StradaleMean MachineMolineux Wolves F.C.Netherlands OranjeNew Jack SwingNew York Red BullsNorthen BoisOld Skool ParkPie Eaters UnitedPlanet Of DrumsPrison RulesRandom Argentino XISL BenficaSporting CPSubbuteo FCSubstandard LiegeSupa Dope BrothersTerrapins FCThe Knockout KingsTown Called Malice05101520253035404550556065707580859095100105110115 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)

League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)StoppedConcededABCDE FCAbove and BeyondAFC MelthamArsenalCanucks UtdCarlisle KnightsChelsito Boys FCChicken LegsConquerors 3.0ConundraDeal Town RangersDeportivo WankaDouble RainbowDream StyleEssex AthleticFarcelonaFC DaninatorFC MarvFC PortoFC UnitedFo1Tboyys ReserveForza AzzurriGGhettosuperstarsHat Trick FCHenthorn HotshotsImperial PalaceMa Lin BoyzMC StradaleMean MachineMolineux Wolves F.C.Netherlands OranjeNew Jack SwingNew York Red BullsNorthen BoisOld Skool ParkPie Eaters UnitedPlanet Of DrumsPrison RulesRandom Argentino XISL BenficaSporting CPSubbuteo FCSubstandard LiegeSupa Dope BrothersTerrapins FCThe Knockout KingsTown Called Malice0102030405060708090100110120130140 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goal and chance difference (league only)

Goal and chance difference (league only)MissedScoredABCDE FCAbove and BeyondAFC MelthamArsenalCanucks UtdCarlisle KnightsChelsito Boys FCChicken LegsConquerors 3.0ConundraDeal Town RangersDeportivo WankaDouble RainbowDream StyleEssex AthleticFarcelonaFC DaninatorFC MarvFC PortoFC UnitedFo1Tboyys ReserveForza AzzurriGGhettosuperstarsHat Trick FCHenthorn HotshotsImperial PalaceMa Lin BoyzMC StradaleMean MachineMolineux Wolves F.C.Netherlands OranjeNew Jack SwingNew York Red BullsNorthen BoisOld Skool ParkPie Eaters UnitedPlanet Of DrumsPrison RulesRandom Argentino XISL BenficaSporting CPSubbuteo FCSubstandard LiegeSupa Dope BrothersTerrapins FCThe Knockout KingsTown Called Malice-140-130-120-110-100-90-80-70-60-50-40-30-20-100102030405060708090 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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