C.F.A. :: S15

  1. 223 Academical (x11)
  2. 223 Fish sticks F.C. (x11)
  3. Bayern Bru (x11)
  4. Borussia Blackrock (x11)
  5. CA Ballymac Juniors (x11)
  6. Cactus Jacks (x11)
  7. Council Estate Skank (x11)
  8. Crack City Rovers (x11)
  9. Craggy Island (x11)
  10. Crooked Island (x11)
  11. Dan Town (x11)
  12. Dripsey Celtic (x11)
  13. Dundalk FC (x11)
  14. F.C. Maccanazionale (x11)
  15. FC Tar Valon (x11)
  16. Grabe Utd (x11)
  17. Hamsterdam FC (x11)
  18. Headford Hotspurs AFC (x11)
  19. Hesperides (x11)
  20. Lucky Strikes (x11)
  21. Madaket Islanders (x11)
  22. Moscow Flyers (x11)
  23. Mosul FC (x11)
  24. MurghesFC (x11)
  25. Nudedragons (x11)
  26. Pikey Hunters (x11)
  27. Ragball Rovers (x11)
  28. Riaru Ankou (x11)
  29. Samba Stars (x11)
  30. SechZig (x11)
  31. SexPanther FC (x11)
  32. The Anti Christs (x11)
  33. The Islanders (x11)
  34. The Mick Hull Charmers (x11)
  35. Thousand Sons F.C (x11)
  36. Vice City Rovers (x11)

League chances / goals (including own goals)

League chances / goals (including own goals)MissedScored223 Academical223 Fish sticks F.C.Bayern BruBorussia BlackrockCA Ballymac JuniorsCactus JacksCouncil Estate SkankCrack City RoversCraggy IslandCrooked IslandDan TownDripsey CelticDundalk FCF.C. MaccanazionaleFC Tar ValonGrabe UtdHamsterdam FCHeadford Hotspurs AFCHesperidesLucky StrikesMadaket IslandersMoscow FlyersMosul FCMurghesFCNudedragonsPikey HuntersRagball RoversRiaru AnkouSamba StarsSechZigSexPanther FCThe Anti ChristsThe IslandersThe Mick Hull CharmersThousand Sons F.CVice City Rovers0102030405060708090100110120130140150160170180190200210220230 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)

League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)StoppedConceded223 Academical223 Fish sticks F.C.Bayern BruBorussia BlackrockCA Ballymac JuniorsCactus JacksCouncil Estate SkankCrack City RoversCraggy IslandCrooked IslandDan TownDripsey CelticDundalk FCF.C. MaccanazionaleFC Tar ValonGrabe UtdHamsterdam FCHeadford Hotspurs AFCHesperidesLucky StrikesMadaket IslandersMoscow FlyersMosul FCMurghesFCNudedragonsPikey HuntersRagball RoversRiaru AnkouSamba StarsSechZigSexPanther FCThe Anti ChristsThe IslandersThe Mick Hull CharmersThousand Sons F.CVice City Rovers0102030405060708090100110120130140150160170180190200210220 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goal and chance difference (league only)

Goal and chance difference (league only)MissedScored223 Academical223 Fish sticks F.C.Bayern BruBorussia BlackrockCA Ballymac JuniorsCactus JacksCouncil Estate SkankCrack City RoversCraggy IslandCrooked IslandDan TownDripsey CelticDundalk FCF.C. MaccanazionaleFC Tar ValonGrabe UtdHamsterdam FCHeadford Hotspurs AFCHesperidesLucky StrikesMadaket IslandersMoscow FlyersMosul FCMurghesFCNudedragonsPikey HuntersRagball RoversRiaru AnkouSamba StarsSechZigSexPanther FCThe Anti ChristsThe IslandersThe Mick Hull CharmersThousand Sons F.CVice City Rovers-160-140-120-100-80-60-40-20020406080100120140160180200 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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