
Overview :: Vice City Rovers

Name Position Age Skill Special  #  Pitch time Goals Chances Assists A. Chances Avg. grade Performance Status
Christopher Shaw K 22 8 17 74.42%         6.76 -1.24 (-15.44%)
Rafaello Pitrelli K 27 6   4 18.03%         4.50 -1.50 (-25.00%)
Alejandro Valdel K 28 2 3 9.90%         2.00 -
Ron Brown D 30 12 20 86.58%   3 (0.16) 2 (0.10) 2 (0.10) 10.40 -1.60 (-13.33%)
Danilo Deboni D 32 9 10 38.17%         9.80 +0.80 (8.89%)
Rodrigues Alonso D 31 8 18 81.14%         6.61 -1.39 (-17.36%)
Roberto Matosas D 30 8 18 81.14%         6.61 -1.39 (-17.36%)
Deivis Horacio D 32 8 19 81.97% 3 (0.16) 10 (0.55)   3 (0.16) 7.47 -0.53 (-6.58%)
Tryggvi Ingvason D 28 6 6 22.78%         4.00 -2.00 (-33.33%)
Christian Pitman M 27 10 18 79.52%   2 (0.11) 5 (0.28) 5 (0.28) 8.33 -1.67 (-16.67%)
Alfred Gasior M 29 9 22 99.17% 1 (0.05) 3 (0.14) 1 (0.05) 2 (0.09) 6.45 -2.55 (-28.28%)
Elbio Valdez M 26 9 22 94.27%   3 (0.14) 1 (0.05) 1 (0.05) 7.68 -1.32 (-14.65%)
Carl-Bertil Kronér M 31 8 17 70.26%   2 (0.13)     6.35 -1.65 (-20.59%)
Hento Razori M 23 8 10 37.78% 1 (0.12) 3 (0.36) 1 (0.12) 2 (0.24) 7.30 -0.70 (-8.75%)
Santiago Cornello M 21 6 3 7.84%         6.00 -
Eduardo Negri S 29 10 21 88.05% 3 (0.15) 8 (0.41) 1 (0.05) 4 (0.20) 8.14 -1.86 (-18.57%)
Jules Benedetti S 25 9 2 8.92%   1 (0.51) 1 (0.51) 1 (0.51) 9.50 +0.50 (5.56%)
Ivan Jennerstål S 33 9 20 90.15% 7 (0.35) 16 (0.80) 1 (0.05) 8 (0.40) 7.90 -1.10 (-12.22%)
Wytze Klinkers S 27 9 6 20.77% 1 (0.22) 3 (0.65)   1 (0.22) 7.67 -1.33 (-14.81%)
57.41% 16 54 13 29 7.03 -1.21 (-14.62%)
  1. SechZig - Vice City Rovers (2 - 0) [4-4-2 vs 4-4-2]
  2. MurghesFC - Vice City Rovers (1 - 3) [4-4-2 vs 3-4-3]
  3. Vice City Rovers - Council Estate Skank (1 - 1) [4-4-2 vs 4-5-1]
  4. Vice City Rovers - Borussia Blackrock (3 - 0) [4-4-2 vs 4-4-2]
  5. SexPanther FC - Vice City Rovers (1 - 1) [5-4-1 vs 4-4-2]
  6. Amateur Eleven FC - Vice City Rovers (0 - 3) [3-5-2 vs 4-4-2]
  7. Vice City Rovers - CA Ballymac Juniors (1 - 3) [4-3-3 vs 4-5-1]
  8. Dundalk FC - Vice City Rovers (3 - 0) [4-5-1 vs 4-3-3]
  9. Vice City Rovers - Ragball Rovers (0 - 1) [4-4-2 vs 4-4-2]
  10. Thousand Sons F.C - Vice City Rovers (2 - 0) [3-4-3 vs 4-4-2]
  11. Vice City Rovers - Mosul FC (0 - 1) [4-4-2 vs 4-5-1]
  12. Mosul FC - Vice City Rovers (2 - 0) [4-5-1 vs 4-4-2]
  13. Vice City Rovers - Thousand Sons F.C (1 - 1) [4-4-2 vs 4-3-3]
  14. Ragball Rovers - Vice City Rovers (2 - 0) [4-3-3 vs 4-4-2]
  15. Vice City Rovers - Dundalk FC (0 - 5) [4-4-2 vs 4-5-1]
  16. CA Ballymac Juniors - Vice City Rovers (3 - 0) [3-5-2 vs 4-4-2]
  17. Vice City Rovers - The Anti Christs (0 - 1) [4-4-2 vs 5-4-1]
  18. Vice City Rovers - SexPanther FC (0 - 2) [4-4-2 vs 4-5-1]
  19. Borussia Blackrock - Vice City Rovers (1 - 0) [4-3-3 vs 4-4-2]
  20. Council Estate Skank - Vice City Rovers (3 - 0) [4-4-2 vs 4-4-2]
  21. Vice City Rovers - MurghesFC (4 - 1) [4-4-2 vs 4-3-3]
  22. Vice City Rovers - SechZig (0 - 3) [4-4-2 vs 3-4-3]

Age spread

Age spread28-30: 631-33: 524-27: 520-23: 3 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by player

Goals / chances produced by playerInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesIvan Jennerstål: 16Deivis Horacio: 10Eduardo Negri: 8Elbio Valdez: 3Alfred Gasior: 3Wytze Klinkers: 3Hento Razori: 3Ron Brown: 3Christian Pitman: 2Carl-Bertil Kronér: 2Jules Benedetti: 1Licínio Bicanço: 1Fearchar Green: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by type

Goals / chances produced by typeInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesShot from the penalty area: 12Direct free kick: 8Through play: 7Wing play: 7Heading from corner: 6Shot from corner: 6Long distance shot: 4Assisting free kick: 3Own goal: 2Penalty: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by formation

Goals / chances produced by formationInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: Chances4-4-2: 493-4-3: 54-3-3: 2 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Home formation use / success

Home formation use / successOuter: Use / Inner: Points4-3-3: 14-4-2: 10 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Skill spread

Skill spread8-9: 126-7: 310-12: 31-3: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Assists / Assisted chances produced by player

Assists / Assisted chances produced by playerInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesChristian Pitman: 8Alfred Gasior: 8Elbio Valdez: 6Deivis Horacio: 4Carl-Bertil Kronér: 4Ron Brown: 4Hento Razori: 3Eduardo Negri: 2Roberto Matosas: 1Ivan Jennerstål: 1Rodrigues Alonso: 1Wytze Klinkers: 1Jules Benedetti: 1Danilo Deboni: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by time

Goals / chances produced by timeInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: Chances76+: 2061-75: 931+: 845-60: 816-30: 61-15: 5 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances scored against formation

Goals / chances scored against formationInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: Chances4-4-2: 134-5-1: 134-3-3: 123-5-2: 103-4-3: 75-4-1: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Away formation use / success

Away formation use / successOuter: Use / Inner: Points4-3-3: 13-4-3: 14-4-2: 9 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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