ROW Perak


New World Order

The Country Club @ 2012-08-04 20:30:00
2 (4-5-1) - (3-5-2) 1
Pos Name Skill Performance
K Jan Danås 14 +3.00 (21.43%)
D Niko Ristilä 16 +4.00 (25.00%)
D Mirciulica Prãvalã 11 +4.00 (36.36%)
D Eskil Winberg 10 +3.00 (30.00%)
D Fábio João 4 +2.00 (50.00%)
M Glenn Braaten 14 +3.00 (21.43%)
M Rafael Barreto 13 +5.00 (38.46%)
M Yassir Husayn 13 +4.00 (30.77%)
M Russ Kingsley 11 +4.00 (36.36%)
M Ailde Arnott 9 +2.00 (22.22%)
S Raphael Halliday 11 +1.00 (9.09%)
R Pars Dagasan 15 +1.00 (6.67%)
R Carl-Emil Svendenius 6 0.00 (0.00%)
R Daniel Beltran 5 +1.00 (20.00%)
10.86+37.00 (24.34%)

Possession / Performance

Possession / PerformanceROW PerakNew World Order1st Half2nd HalfOverallAgeStrengthSkillChances0100255075 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Performance Skill Name Pos
0.00 (0.00%) 16 Karl-Johan Johnsson K
+1.00 (6.67%) 15 Tommy Jönsson D
0.00 (0.00%) 15 Joel Borgstrand D
0.00 (0.00%) 14 Peter Larsson D
+1.00 (7.14%) 14 Tim Sparv M
+1.00 (7.14%) 14 Sylve Bengtsson M
-3.00 (-23.08%) 13 Kristoffer Thydell M
+2.00 (20.00%) 10 Michael Görlitz M
+1.00 (11.11%) 9 Ardian Rexhepi M
+2.00 (14.29%) 14 Rutger Backe S
+2.00 (25.00%) 8 Joel Johansson S
0.00 (0.00%) 8 Mikael Rosén R
+7.00 (4.67%)12.50

Goals / chances produced by player

Goals / chances produced by playerInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesMirciulica Prãvalã: 2Ailde Arnott: 1Raphael Halliday: 1Rafael Barreto: 1Pars Dagasan: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by type

Goals / chances produced by typeInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesDirect free kick: 3Heading from corner: 1Through play: 1Shot from the penalty area: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Assists / Assisted chances produced by player

Assists / Assisted chances produced by playerInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesYassir Husayn: 2Rafael Barreto: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by time

Goals / chances produced by timeInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: Chances76+: 361-75: 231+: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by player

Goals / chances produced by playerInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesKristoffer Thydell: 1Tim Sparv: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by type

Goals / chances produced by typeInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesShot from corner: 1Penalty: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Assists / Assisted chances produced by player

Assists / Assisted chances produced by playerInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: ChancesMichael Görlitz: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goals / chances produced by time

Goals / chances produced by timeInner circle: Goals, Outer circle: Chances1-15: 145-60: 1 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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