The Country Club :: ALL

  1. Alcantara C. P. (x11)
  2. Alcantara C.P. (x11)
  3. Amero FC (x11)
  4. Bannockburn Battlers (x11)
  5. Barcode 666 (x11)
  6. Beinn Nibheis (x11)
  7. CF Os Belenenses (x11)
  8. Conspiracy 58 (x11)
  9. FC Karaduva (x11)
  10. FC Porto (x11)
  11. FRB Utd (x11)
  12. Haggis Hunters (x11)
  13. Kerajaan Perak Lama (x11)
  14. Madredeus (x11)
  15. Majestic 12 (x11)
  16. Men in Black (x11)
  17. Messiah Kanji (x11)
  18. New World Order (x11)
  19. Polar Bear FC (x11)
  20. Portugal United (x11)
  21. PT Portimonense (x11)
  22. Purple Haze (x11)
  23. ROE Kick And Run FC (x11)
  24. ROE Maltese Falcon (x11)
  25. ROE Most Wanted (x11)
  26. ROE Norwegian Scousers (x11)
  27. ROE Pdl Crew (x11)
  28. ROE Public Enemies (x11)
  29. ROE Rock Me Amadeus (x11)
  30. ROE Viking Barbarians (x11)
  31. ROM Botosani (x11)
  32. ROM Expert (x11)
  33. ROM Galacticos (x11)
  34. ROM PCH Pitesti (x11)
  35. ROM Rapid Bucuresti (x11)
  36. ROM Saint Étienne (x11)
  37. ROM Steaua Bucuresti (x11)
  38. ROM Zimbrul Siret (x11)
  39. ROW Australia (x11)
  40. ROW Cowboy United (x11)
  41. ROW Fanatics (x11)
  42. ROW Tai Po FC (x11)
  43. Smiling Gargoyles (x11)
  44. The Bermuda Triangle (x11)
  45. The Rothschilds (x11)
  46. The Swedish Conspiracy (x11)
  47. The Walking Dead (x11)
  48. Vitória F.C. (x11)

League chances / goals (including own goals)

League chances / goals (including own goals)MissedScoredAlcantara C. P.Alcantara C.P.Amero FCBannockburn BattlersBarcode 666Beinn NibheisCF Os BelenensesConspiracy 58FC KaraduvaFC PortoFRB UtdHaggis HuntersKerajaan Perak LamaMadredeusMajestic 12Men in BlackMessiah KanjiNew World OrderPolar Bear FCPortugal UnitedPT PortimonensePurple HazeROE Kick And Run FCROE Maltese FalconROE Most WantedROE Norwegian ScousersROE Pdl CrewROE Public EnemiesROE Rock Me AmadeusROE Viking BarbariansROM BotosaniROM ExpertROM GalacticosROM PCH PitestiROM Rapid BucurestiROM Saint ÉtienneROM Steaua BucurestiROM Zimbrul SiretROW AustraliaROW Cowboy UnitedROW FanaticsROW Tai Po FCSmiling GargoylesThe Bermuda TriangleThe RothschildsThe Swedish ConspiracyThe Walking DeadVitória F.C.0501001502002503003504004505005506006507007508008509009501,0001,050 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)

League conceded chances / goals (including own goals)StoppedConcededAlcantara C. P.Alcantara C.P.Amero FCBannockburn BattlersBarcode 666Beinn NibheisCF Os BelenensesConspiracy 58FC KaraduvaFC PortoFRB UtdHaggis HuntersKerajaan Perak LamaMadredeusMajestic 12Men in BlackMessiah KanjiNew World OrderPolar Bear FCPortugal UnitedPT PortimonensePurple HazeROE Kick And Run FCROE Maltese FalconROE Most WantedROE Norwegian ScousersROE Pdl CrewROE Public EnemiesROE Rock Me AmadeusROE Viking BarbariansROM BotosaniROM ExpertROM GalacticosROM PCH PitestiROM Rapid BucurestiROM Saint ÉtienneROM Steaua BucurestiROM Zimbrul SiretROW AustraliaROW Cowboy UnitedROW FanaticsROW Tai Po FCSmiling GargoylesThe Bermuda TriangleThe RothschildsThe Swedish ConspiracyThe Walking DeadVitória F.C.01002003004005006007008009001,0001,1001,2001,300 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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Goal and chance difference (league only)

Goal and chance difference (league only)MissedScoredAlcantara C. P.Alcantara C.P.Amero FCBannockburn BattlersBarcode 666Beinn NibheisCF Os BelenensesConspiracy 58FC KaraduvaFC PortoFRB UtdHaggis HuntersKerajaan Perak LamaMadredeusMajestic 12Men in BlackMessiah KanjiNew World OrderPolar Bear FCPortugal UnitedPT PortimonensePurple HazeROE Kick And Run FCROE Maltese FalconROE Most WantedROE Norwegian ScousersROE Pdl CrewROE Public EnemiesROE Rock Me AmadeusROE Viking BarbariansROM BotosaniROM ExpertROM GalacticosROM PCH PitestiROM Rapid BucurestiROM Saint ÉtienneROM Steaua BucurestiROM Zimbrul SiretROW AustraliaROW Cowboy UnitedROW FanaticsROW Tai Po FCSmiling GargoylesThe Bermuda TriangleThe RothschildsThe Swedish ConspiracyThe Walking DeadVitória F.C.-800-700-600-500-400-300-200-1000100200300400500600700 Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

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